I’m making a change for the better. I’m learning to recognise impulsive behaviour and how to keep my temper and mood swings in check.
Living with Borderline Personality Disorder and Depression is very hard. I’ve always had a terrible temper but now, thanks to these books, I’m slowly getting it all under control. I’ve learned to recognise my impulsive behaviour and how to stop it.
And I now have a meaningful relationship with my sister, Jessica. We rarely argue these days. We understand each other a bit more than we did before and it’s made all the difference.
I definitely 100% recommend these books to anyone who would like to improve their life and gain control over their depression and relationships.
Having a meaningful relationship/friendship with my sister is absolutely amazing. My life is so much better now. I don’t ever want to be that angry, petty and volatile person again.
#chronicillnesswarrior #POTS #EDS #bpd #NAFLD #InterstitialCystitis #Diabetes #Migraines #Depression #Impulsecontrol #selfhelp #CBT #ManagingStress #ChangingBehaviour #StayPositive