Living with Borderline Personality Disorder and Depression is very hard. I’ve always had a terrible temper but now, thanks to these books, I’m slowly getting it all under control. I’ve learned to recognise my impulsive behaviour and how to stop it.

And I now have a meaningful relationship with my sister, Jessica. We rarely argue these days. We understand each other a bit more than we did before and it’s made all the difference.

I definitely 100% recommend these books to anyone who would like to improve their life and gain control over their depression and relationships.

Having a meaningful relationship/friendship with my sister is absolutely amazing. My life is so much better now. I don’t ever want to be that angry, petty and volatile person again.

#chronicillnesswarrior #POTS #EDS #bpd #NAFLD #InterstitialCystitis #Diabetes #Migraines #Depression #Impulsecontrol #selfhelp #CBT #ManagingStress #ChangingBehaviour #StayPositive