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Hi! I’m new here #AcousticNeuroma #Fibromyalgia #Diabetes #MDD #PTSD #Anxiety #Deaf #HardOfHearing #ChronicFatigue #chronicvertigo

Yes, I have all those issues and more. I just can’t remember all of them! LOL! 😆 I’m single sided deaf from surgery to remove my acoustic neuroma in 2009. They went through the ear and also pushed aside my brain to cut most of the little bugger out. They cut my balance nerve. The other side was supposed to pick up & stabilize me, but it’s lazy. I’m still unsteady after 14.5 years.

My most recent dx’s are chronic kidney disease stage 3a (I can’t remember if it’s a or b. It’s the least affected one. I’m working on reversing it.), C-PTSD from 19 years of raising our 2 kids from Russia (both alcohol affected by birth moms so they have permanent brain damage, delayed development, learning disabilities, ADHD, PTSD, extreme impulsive anger issues & more.) , precancerous colon polyps and diverticulosis. Yeah, fun stuff.

I decided to join this group because of the many different diagnoses I have. Plus my kids having many dx’s too. So, HI! 👋🏼

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Thank you, covid 😡😡😡😡

This is the first sock I ‘ve started & plan to finish since 2019. I had to use youtube to start my sock. I used to use it all the time. #firstcaston #socks #knitting #startingtorelax #Fibro #Diabetes #chronicvertigo #MDD #finishingallthewips

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I need #Prayer

Hello, I just joined. I’m Laurel.

I had #Surgery on Wednesday for a #Cataract in my right eye. I had surgery on my left eye 2 weeks before. I have #Fibromyalgia , #chronicvertigo , #Deaf left ear and #HOH #HardOfHearing in my right ear, #MDD , #Anxiety , along with many other medical issues. My left eye was nice & easy. My right eye got a scratch on it in the first 24 hours, It has yet to focus. I have antibiotic eye drops along with the 2 anti-inflammatory drops. So many drops!

I want my sight back so I can drive our daughter around. We #adopted our 2children from Russia in 2004. Our daughter has #FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome). She is afraid to drive, so she still lives with us. Without sight, even with glasses, I can’t drive Gabby around. Please #Pray for my sight to become sharper.
Thank you 😊