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Hi! I’m new here #AcousticNeuroma #Fibromyalgia #Diabetes #MDD #PTSD #Anxiety #Deaf #HardOfHearing #ChronicFatigue #chronicvertigo

Yes, I have all those issues and more. I just can’t remember all of them! LOL! 😆 I’m single sided deaf from surgery to remove my acoustic neuroma in 2009. They went through the ear and also pushed aside my brain to cut most of the little bugger out. They cut my balance nerve. The other side was supposed to pick up & stabilize me, but it’s lazy. I’m still unsteady after 14.5 years.

My most recent dx’s are chronic kidney disease stage 3a (I can’t remember if it’s a or b. It’s the least affected one. I’m working on reversing it.), C-PTSD from 19 years of raising our 2 kids from Russia (both alcohol affected by birth moms so they have permanent brain damage, delayed development, learning disabilities, ADHD, PTSD, extreme impulsive anger issues & more.) , precancerous colon polyps and diverticulosis. Yeah, fun stuff.

I decided to join this group because of the many different diagnoses I have. Plus my kids having many dx’s too. So, HI! 👋🏼

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I slept weird the other night. It gave me such a PAIN in the neck!

I have #Fibromalgia , chronic pain, chronic fatigue, chronic vertigo (more like unsteadiness, not spinning), pre diabetes came back after being diabetic, I’m still eating well & trying to exercise, but every time I exercise or sleep on the other side, etc… I end up with such bad pain in my muscles going from my neck to my arms. I’m going to order a shoulder/neck warming pad. Was wondering what else I could do? I didn’t even try exercising today. My head is wonky from terrible winds here and cold rain. I use an air glider for exercise. When it’s nicer, I’ll be able to take my Walker out.

Thanks in advance for any ideas. #Fibromyalgia #Fibro #diabetes2 #Deaf #HOH #Exercise #Pain

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What are you grateful for? What can you be thankful for to keep you holding on during tough times?

Please let's all share our blessings in life that we are thankful for. In
dark and trying times (like right now), I try to always remember the things I am grateful for and remind myself that without any/all of them my life could be much less manageable

I am grateful for:

-Being alive!
-Being able to walk, even if I need mobility devices
-Having a roof over my head
-Having food on the table
-Having great doctors, nurses, my therapist, my shrink, numerous specialists and my clinic - and having the insurance to pay for them - as well as insurance to pay for my many medications!
-Having a strong network of family and friends and always being able to know that I am loved and supported ...and
-Having my relative health - things could always be worse!

What are you thankful for?

Maybe thank someone who you are grateful for and let them know how helpful they are and how much it means to you to have their support. Sometimes people don’t know how much they impact other’s lives!

#Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Chronicpainwarrior #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar2Disorder #Bipolar1Disorder #Stigma #BipolarDepression
#ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ADHD #Autism #Dementia #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #BrainInjury #LossOfAParent #Grief #SuicideSurvivors #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #HIVAIDS #longtermsurvivor #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #MightyQuestions #DownSyndrome #IfYouFeelHopeless #Hope #Deaf #CongestiveHeartFailure #Migraine #COVID19 #PeripheralNeuropathy #LymeDisease #Diabetes #EatingDisorders #Headache #Stroke #help #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Fibromyalgia #thankful #grateful #EatingDisorders #CocaineDependence #drugaddict #PTSD #EmotionalHealth #physicalhealth #PainAcceptance #Acceptance #relief #Happiness #TheMighty #MightyMinute #MightyTogether #DistractMe #MightyTogether #mentalhealthwarrior #RareDisease #ChronicFatigue

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Living with anxiety/depression as a deaf person

Topic: Living with anxiety/depression

There are days where I feel confident and thriving . There are times where I have felt useless and incompetent as a human being.

There are moments where I am capable of making a difference.
There are time when I find myself amazed at what I am doing now.

There are moments of disbelief where I would second guess my capabilities as a human being.

It is like having a parrot on your shoulder which it would taunt you with your own fears and insecurities in your head like it is spinning slowly.

Yet, I keep bringing myself out and being available to provide what I can do with my best capabilities that I know how to do.

Yet, I find myself at this point where it is just a normal part of who I am as an individual. I have my own trepidation about myself as much as I continue to show that I am capable as a deaf individual.

It can be tiring as that it is never done. I just need to remind myself that I only can do what I can do. I need to learn that it is okay to ask for help.

Asking for help is the bravest thing that we all can do. It is the act of vulnerability where we grow as we learn and recognize that we are stepping toward to make a difference in ourselves as a human being.

Why do the humanity has its own fragility where we make it harder for people to be vulnerable and ask for help?

Why is it hard for people to be authenic without being reluctant to be open?

Why is it a struggle for people to say that they are struggling?

#Deaf #Anxiety #FunctioningDepression

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I need #Prayer

Hello, I just joined. I’m Laurel.

I had #Surgery on Wednesday for a #Cataract in my right eye. I had surgery on my left eye 2 weeks before. I have #Fibromyalgia , #chronicvertigo , #Deaf left ear and #HOH #HardOfHearing in my right ear, #MDD , #Anxiety , along with many other medical issues. My left eye was nice & easy. My right eye got a scratch on it in the first 24 hours, It has yet to focus. I have antibiotic eye drops along with the 2 anti-inflammatory drops. So many drops!

I want my sight back so I can drive our daughter around. We #adopted our 2children from Russia in 2004. Our daughter has #FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome). She is afraid to drive, so she still lives with us. Without sight, even with glasses, I can’t drive Gabby around. Please #Pray for my sight to become sharper.
Thank you 😊


Finally back on this app lost my right hearing aid and have difficulty in hearing with my let one havent gone to work since I cant hear with one hearing aid im fully deaf on both ears 🥺 #Deaf #UsherSyndrome #fulldeaf

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Happy National ASL Day!

Today is National ASL Day! 🤟🏻🤟🏼🤟🏽🤟🏾🤟🏿

Did you know that the American School for the Deaf opened in Hartford, Connecticut on April 15, 1817?

“There, teachers and students worked together and, by intermingling Native American Signs, French Sign Language, and even Martha’s Vineyard Sign Language, American Sign Language (ASL) was born.”

National ASL Day is celebrated every year on April 15. This day celebrates and honors American Sign Language. ASL serves as the main sign language of Deaf groups in the United States.

Growing up hearing impaired, I learned some sign language from a good friend of mine who is deaf. She and her family and friends taught me many things that I utilized and was greatly helpful. A few years ago, my grandmother lived in a building for deaf and blind seniors, I had the wonderful opportunity of communicating with them through ASL and connecting with them on a personal level due to my own circumstances of being hearing impaired and legally blind. Last year, I took some online/remote classes through the Helen Keller National Center and one of them was for communications, where I expanded my knowledge of sign language and learned more. I even got to learn about haptic signs and tactile sign language which I would greatly benefit from due to my blindness. I am so grateful for all the people I have learned more from and am so excited to teach others about ASL!

This day is a great opportunity to celebrate and learn more about sign language.

Do you or someone you know uses sign language? Ask them to teach you some words and phrases. You never know when it may be useful!

Image Description: A light blue background with National American Sign Language Day April 15 in white font. On the bottom left corner of the image in a large white circle is a cartoon hand doing a sign for I love you.

#ASL #ASLDay #AmericanSignLanguage #NationalASLDay #NationalASLDay2022 #NationalAmericanSignLanguageDay #Inclusion #inclusionmatters #Accessibility #Language #Awareness #Deaf #DeafBlind #HearingLoss #HearingImpaired #Communication #Celebration #AmericanSchoolForTheDeaf #DeafCommunity #Opportunity #Love #people #communications #Students #Student #learning #AccessibilityForAll #AccessibilityMatters #Inclusivity #Inclusive #DeafCommunity #DeafAwareness #SignLanguage

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Mental health challenges within the deaf community

We are aware of mental health struggles but what about those struggles within different communities?

On today's podcast episode, I speak with Kellina Powell. Kellina went deaf at the age of 4. As she got older she began to struggle with her mental health due to bullying and discrimination. She found it difficult to find deaf or hard of hearing mental health providers. Kellina now dedicates her life to being a mental health advocate for the deaf community. She explains the unique mental health challenges the deaf community faces. Listen to this episode to learn more about mental health within the deaf and what we can do to support and spread awareness.

#DeafCommunity #Deaf #MentalHealthAwareness #podcastepisode #MentalHealth #mentalhealthpodcast


Angel Therapy

Over the past two weeks, I have consistantly been running into the topic of Angel Therapy. Generally, when these types of occurances happen to me, it is some realm of existance attempting to enlighten me. It doesn’t matter to me what name one elects to assign to this occurance be it spiritual, universal, a religious, or alternative health care. It only matters that I pay attention!

I decided I needed to research Angel Therapy. I simply can’t tolerate having a conversation with myself and not knowing what I am talking about. Angel Therapy has existed since the 1980s. There are actually Angel Therapy practitioners. It is a art form connected to Reiki Therapy in some manner but a non-denominational method of connecting with our angels. This type of therapy, requires one to be open minded about ones angel beliefs. So, the researching is underway.

Since joining The Mighty, I have been plagued with one consistent thought. That is how do we stop the pain and fatigue that is robbing us of all life’s quality. I must take pause and explore this topic. I now seek Mighties who have heard of this therapy and are a bit or largely knowledgable about Angel Therapy and or tried Angel therapy. Share what you know of this modality.

#Rheumadoid Arthritis, #SystemicLupusErythematosus #PsoriaticArthritis #CrohnsDisease #UlcerativeColitis #Upallnight #Disability #BipolarDepression #ServiceDogs #communityleader #Deaf #VisualImpairment #MentalHealth #ChronicPain #AutoimmuneDisease #RareDisease


Clear face masks!

Hi everyone Intellitext owner Randi Hecht Castro kindly just emailed me a link for clear face masks for us deaf, hard of hearing types! #LipReading #Deaf #HearingLoss #Typewell #CART #livecaptions