complex emotions

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-The Phantom-

There is a phantom
That lurks in the shadows
Haunting my mind and all my days
An insidious darkness
That always finds a way
To plague with sadness
To expose painful memories
Monster's are real,
They live inside me

#BipolarDisorder #Bipolar1Disorder #BipolarDepression #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #CPTSD #PTSD #Anxiety #ComplexEmotions #Depression #ChronicDepression


Is it the same for you?

Its like i am a ball of all these complex emotions and traits. I think one thing and too many of my traits fire up. Is this how it ends or how it could have begun differently or how the beginning to end scenarios can be different.
Its too complex. Is it the same for all INFJ types. Its like i am in a office and when i open a file, all this work load comes up and to complete the file i have to complete all the work load and work load also has its own set of files and so on and i feel like all the energy was used up from my body(mentally)
Its too conplex how can i shut down my brain without using phone all day.
If anyone has experienced this please i would like to know your thoughts on this whatever i am facing.
It just leaves me exhausted mentally. #MentalHealthAwareness #ComplexEmotions


Is my dad bipolar? #BipolarDepression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

I think my dad has a mental health disorder. He has really high and lows.
He has a very unpredictable mood.
When I have a school project or an activity he is always a perfectionist and goes out of his way to do the thing. Like tunnel vision for days until he moves on to the next thing.
Now don’t get me wrong, he does not abuse me or my family in any way. He is caring and goofy but when he gets mad he hides in his room and sleeps all day.

He is not really the type to believe in “mental health” and just says its how he was born and raised and he can’t change it.
My sister and I both have Diagnosed Anxiety disorders and he doesn’t really “believe” in it and that we are just overreacting. I just really wish he would get help for him or start reading up on it.

Any ideas? 💜 #Highly Sensitive Person or HSP #ComplexEmotions

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I hope this helps someone today....

Most days I battle with the most horrible thoughts and feelings of myself.... This post reminded me those 3 important things about myself. I hope if you see this, it does the same for you. #depressed #BipolarDepression #depressiondisporder #Anxiety #moodswings #MoodDisorders #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #ComplexEmotions