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Ruff Day

This is Jazz; she lives with my parents due to her refusing to leave after a visit. Dad sent me this yesterday after she got done at the groomer. Apparently getting all spiffed up and smelling good is rough. Anyway hope everyone has a good Saturday!

#MightyPets #DegenerativeArthritis #Fibromyaliga #HypermobilitySyndrome #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness


Carpal Tunnel Surgery

Has anyone had double carpal tunnel surgery done? I have my surgery consult April 7th but I have to get my work leave paperwork done before then so I don’t have to delay the surgery.
How long is recovery time? Do they do both hands at the same time or one then the other? What’s the success rate of this surgery?
My carpal tunnel was diagnosed by a nerve conduction test so there’s no doubt about whether it’s truly present or not.
I’m honestly freaking out about the possibility of losing the full function of my hands. I’m a crafty person and need my hands for my hobbies; I don’t want to lose my biggest coping skill I have.
Any input is greatly appreciated.

#CarpalTunnelSyndrome #Surgery #Fibromyaliga #HypermobilitySyndrome #DegenerativeArthritis #Dysautonomia



I finally got a diagnosis today!
Fibromyalgia, hypermobility syndrome, dysautonomia, and degenerative arthritis.
Part of me is excited/relieved to finally know what’s wrong but part of me is stressed even more because now I have 4 more problems to add to my list. I was told treatment would be handled by PCP and would consist of PT, chiropractor, and anti-inflammatory medications which I can’t take.
Any insight from my fellow Mighty members who deal with these conditions? I’m pretty adjusted to the hypermobility but the other 3 are new to me.

#Diagnosis #Fibromyalgia #Dysautonomia #DegenerativeArthritis #HypermobilitySyndrome


#kneepainchronic #DegenerativeArthritis

Knee pain so bad can’t even walk in the winter I see why people move to Florida can’t stay in Michigan during the winter


Anyone else fighting their diagnosis ? #Disability #DegenerativeDiscDisease #DegenerativeArthritis #PeripheralNeuropathy #Diabetes

I fell again this morning. Bounced my head off the heavy wood china cabinets and my knee off the laminate over concrete floor as I went down. The Doc warned me I had to use my canes inside the house now and the wheelchair when it arrives in a month but I've been fighting it because I hate feeling encumbered. I can't carry a soda or my lunch with two canes. I don't know what a wheelchair means in the same way. I guess I'm fighting the whole falling apart slowly thing and I don't like it at all. My husband saw me fall this time and it scared him so I'm not going to be able to fake it anymore.


Adapting to The Changes ##Depression ##no Self-Esteem ##Ugliness #DegenerativeArthritis

Due to the constant pain the arthritis has me living with, I’ve decided to do what I can, but take the chores in small, manageable bits.
- Clean one room a week or empty one box of my parents’ belongings a week

- Do one interior design project a week. Or color. Or read my design magazines. Because it’s what I love and enjoy.

- Wash, dress and make up every morning as if I was going out - even if I’m not. The Roommate might not care, but I do! And I’m worth looking pretty for!

- Fight my self-negativity, and help others fight theirs.

- Write, as much as my hands will let me. Let people enjoy my writing, my humor. Don’t be so thin-skinned.

There! That’s the general plan for the next 52 weeks. On Jan. 6, I’ll report what I’ve done!

If you need to talk, or have questions or anything, please message me. I’ve been fighting depression for 40 years, attempted self-harm twice and know that feeling you’re having as you read this. No, really, I do.
I care if you are around. I NEED you to be around. Tomorrow, next week - You matter so much. And if you want to know more, message me!
love ya,
