#Going thru changes and I’m scared
I’ve text recently, sorry to rehash. I rarely have a good day where I feel on top of my game, able to concentrate and not too emotional over trivial things. I search for words more frequently and conversations with husband is getting harder for me. He’s sweet and waits to see if I can explain myself. I am older, mid 60s and have a few medical issues that I faithfully take meds for and take care of myself. I excersize and sleep ok etc. I’m a bit sort tempered because of my difficulties explaining myself and defensive too. I hate myself these days. This Christmas my sons and families will visit and will see my struggle. I hope they aren’t angry that I haven’t shared this. I text and email and don’t phone so they don’t know. I feel like I’m becoming a shell of my former self, just a year ago I was more clear, not any more. I have told drs and therapist, no one seems concerned right now. Mostly my being emotional and defensive is the worst part, I want to hide as I can’t seem to control it. Thanks for listening