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The Power of Nature

My oldest brother lives in Hawaii. Above is a recent pic he sent. In every picture he has ever sent of friends, family & co-workers, EVERYONE LOOKS HAPPY!😀 Imagine the above scene being something you’re used to as you drive to work. Imagine sitting on the beach at sunset, just you and the waves.
We may not live in Hawaii but we can close our eyes, visualize anything in nature that speaks to us, and feel the peace this can bring. Nature is powerful #goodmedicine . Let it speak to you😊🤟🏾
#Bipolar1 #GAD #PTSD
#Depression #substanceabusedisorder
#emotional /psychologicalabuse

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Unconditional Love From Our Furry Friends

I’m cognizant of the fact that if things don’t feel right with my pet (Freckles, my pit bull) I need to check my behavior. She deserves all the love in the world!
I was recently sick with a raging gum infection; days of pain so excruciating I openly cried and wailed. Freckles instinctively took care of me; stayed with me, licking my nose at the first sign of a wail; moving my glasses so she could lick away tears before they fell; resting on my belly, studying my face, a constant vigil; licking my legs & toes for extra soothing; ever-so-lightly tapping my arm if my face was turned away; slept across my legs at night.
Her love is one of life’s greatest gifts. Her unconditional “mothering” was the #goodmedicine I needed; my gratitude level soared. She is a miracle, more than worthy of the best love & care I can give. How lucky am I?😀
#Bipolar1 #substanceabusedisorder
#GAD #Depression
#emotional /psychologicalabuse #PTSD #ADD /ADHD

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#guidedmeditations #goodmedicine #useyourtools

When I find a guided meditation that GRABS me, I keep a notebook and pen next to me and jot down affirmations, inspirations and some of the most powerful messages I’ve ever heard. Today’s meditation was the #goodmedicine I needed today. I keep the notebook near my bed and glance at the messages and affirmations. Definitely #goodmedicine ! Does anyone else do this?😃

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#EmotionalHangover #self -love #SituationalDepression #spousalemotional /psychologicalabuse

Had an emotional , fiery match with my emotionally/psychologically spouse yesterday. Very much to my surprise, I woke this morning feeling depressed, confused, fearful. I call it emotional hangover. I also felt less-than, I’m not worth much. Uh oh...So glad I came across the above. A blessing!!! I read this article; I was experiencing a not so unique head game. I realized what I’m doing to myself. I’m still trying to shake off all the gloom but the day is much much brighter now! #goodmedicine

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#stability #reachingout #censureemotions

Interesting! Apparently I really upset the applecart at home. BIG TIME, but I had no memory of doing so!!!! There was trauma, chaos. Aha! On the day in question, I was openly cranky, tired,and frustrated. Some felt disrespected and insulted by my "unsettling attitude." Yup, I was "guilty" of being---------cranky, and of not being my usual self. I have great respect for the relative who informed me my behavior was being viewed in a different light. Communication floodgates opened. Resolved our concerns ( I hope😄). It's #goodmedicine

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#starttheydayoveratanytime #stayconnectedtoyourself

Growing up in church, I'd often hear "don't forget to pray" being said, to comfort others.
Yes, after 2 days of "just feeling ugh,--heavy stuff going on--i felt the difference of not doing my morning spiritual routines, and my other routines that are perfect for facing the day. I've #strappedonmytoolbelt ; getting some #goodmedicine and get back to what's working for me, at this point in my journey.😃How's everyone doing today!?

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#intunewithmindandbody #Depression #Anxiety

Started my daily routines but felt "off". I sensed a day of "extra mental work" lay ahead. I could objectively feel a sad mood, room a mess, depression easing in, self-esteem dipping, lack of motivation. I found myself buried in bed at 2:00pm. NO! I had to fight this. I absolutely did NOT feel I had the strength for this battle. Against my own will, 🤭, I physically forced myself out of bed, made myself look halfway decent, and tackled one task at a time around the house.
#k .I.S.S. , no rush. Made sure I corellated moods/meds. REHYDRATED! 4-5 hours later and I am incredibly grateful to feel back to myself and incredibly grateful for all the #goodmedicine and blessings I've absorbed.
Does anyone experience days like this? Do you feel able to lift yourself up?
What works for you?

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#takethebestleavetherest #goodmedicine #morningmotivation #noavoidancesleep

A few days ago I asked google assistant for 'morning motivation's. It connected me to the guys above! Wow! Took me awhile to adjust to their power-testosterone style. One of their messages is get out of bed! You're wasting time etc. The guys shout out how early they each get out of bed! ( 4am! 1am!) They can make "get your *ss out of bed" sound therapeutic and motivational! That mantra stays in my head!

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I recently wrote a bit about my daughter; Type A;high achiever; demanding lifestyle----i forgot to mention that she got a therapy cat 1 year ago and that cat is #goodmedicine for her!

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This is my daughter; a type A personality. #TYPEA ! She has extreme anxiety/panic attacks & depression. She manages her symptoms by delving, full speed, into setting goals and thriving on the process of achievement. She has a master's degree, applying for a doctorate, an assistant professor, leads college tutoring dept, works in a book store, college media consultant, and always has a sideline job: make up, fashion, and now accruing books and selling them onli e. Whew!!!!! Am i bragging, perhaps, but her method of #managingextremeanxiety /stress blows me away! Do i strive to have her "do-ability"? No. I'm just endlessly amazed how we are all so unique; the "good medicine" for 1, is not the #goodmedicine for another!