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Much love to you MIGHTIES!!!!!

Wow! Suddenly everything makes sense: I’m progressing (abit😀😅) on forming healthy self-care habits using the ‘piggie back” method; I know in my heart that being part of our community gives me strength to #dothenextrightthing for myself. You guys are all beyond awesome (admit it, you know you are😀) There are heavy family issues going on right now but I am peaceful knowing I have to flex my lovely #Bipolar1 brain into a healthy positive frame( other people are freaking out😂) Yep! All you guys are helping me upward on my journey. There is strength in our sharing! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!! #Bipolar1 #Depression #GAD #ADD #ADHD #substanceabusedisorder #EmotionalAbuse #PsychologicalAbuse #physicalabuse #PTSD

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The Power of Nature

My oldest brother lives in Hawaii. Above is a recent pic he sent. In every picture he has ever sent of friends, family & co-workers, EVERYONE LOOKS HAPPY!😀 Imagine the above scene being something you’re used to as you drive to work. Imagine sitting on the beach at sunset, just you and the waves.
We may not live in Hawaii but we can close our eyes, visualize anything in nature that speaks to us, and feel the peace this can bring. Nature is powerful #goodmedicine . Let it speak to you😊🤟🏾
#Bipolar1 #GAD #PTSD
#Depression #substanceabusedisorder
#emotional /psychologicalabuse

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“How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?” —Satchell Paige

I love tossing this question out. Folks always respond with a specific age. Me??? My mind can’t wrap itself around this concept. It seriously can’t😀. My inner me is what it is, from all my life experiences. Could you pick the age you would be if you didn’t know how old you were?😀🤟🏾

#Bipolar1 #Depression
#GAD #emotional /psychologicalabuse #PTSD #substanceabusedisorder

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Unconditional Love From Our Furry Friends

I’m cognizant of the fact that if things don’t feel right with my pet (Freckles, my pit bull) I need to check my behavior. She deserves all the love in the world!
I was recently sick with a raging gum infection; days of pain so excruciating I openly cried and wailed. Freckles instinctively took care of me; stayed with me, licking my nose at the first sign of a wail; moving my glasses so she could lick away tears before they fell; resting on my belly, studying my face, a constant vigil; licking my legs & toes for extra soothing; ever-so-lightly tapping my arm if my face was turned away; slept across my legs at night.
Her love is one of life’s greatest gifts. Her unconditional “mothering” was the #goodmedicine I needed; my gratitude level soared. She is a miracle, more than worthy of the best love & care I can give. How lucky am I?😀
#Bipolar1 #substanceabusedisorder
#GAD #Depression
#emotional /psychologicalabuse #PTSD #ADD /ADHD

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Shh! #separatebedrooms !

Children may become depressed, anxious; experience on- going trauma, watching parents drift into separate bedrooms. My daughter survived; I know I can’t heal her pain.
For me, choosing a separate private space is part of healing. I’m loving my she-shed room. I love creating new themes, on-the-cheap but lovely design creations. Biggest thing of all: Self-care! I prefer a separate space so I don’t have to deal with hubby studying my actions like I’m a lab rat.
ALSO— many couples have separate bedrooms because of crazy work/sleep schedules.
It’s all good.

#Bipolar1 #GeneralAnxietyDisorder
#Depression #substanceabusedisorder
#emotional /psychologicalabuse

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#emotional /psychologicalabuse #GAD #Bipolar1 #Depression #ADHD #substanceabusedisorder

Abusers want to obliterate the souls of their victims. The few men in my all freaked when I displayed a particular behavior—-spontaneous laughter! “Why are you acting like that!?” You look like a fool!” “What are you so happy about?” “You must be high/drunk!” With my soul broken, I squashed ME for decades, I was under their microscope; any minute was a possible situation to be infected by their poisonous darts.
Surviving 40 plus years of this abuse brought me to a healthy ‘I don’t care’ state. I don’t care if spouse is watching. I dance my butt off throughout the house! I sing along to my playlists! I sing to my dog! And—I LAUGH OUT LOUD!
The shackles are off.
Words can’t describe how wonderful it is to be who I am; to be ME!

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#GAD #Depression #Bipolar1 #substanceabusedisorder #ADD /ADHD

It’s one of those days; feeling sad, lonely and very alone. I know what I need to do to keep my spirits up but I don’t want to climb out of bed! 😲

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#AngerManagement #Codependency #Selfworth /selfesteem #Bipolar1 #substanceabusedisorder #GAD #Depression

“Because society would rather we always wore a pretty face, women have been trained to cut off anger.”
-Nancy Friday
I was raised to suppress any displays of emotions. Crying? No way. Expressions of anger? I’d get the belt. The foundation was set. The men in my life would freak if I dared to think I could be angry. Decades of defeat. Suppress anger! Others will be unhappy! Can anyone relate?
Unfamiliarity with anger makes anger more powerful. Anger is fine! I embrace anger. It prompts me to take action in turning an unhealthy situation into a healthy one. Learning and practicing this brings me such freedom. Strengthens my resolve to trust my emotions. Strengthens my self-love. Took decades to get to this point; that’s fine!! I’m still moving forward, not looking back. It’s truly amazing!

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