Growth hormone deficiency

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Growth hormone deficiency
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Hi, my name is lou122. I'm here because I have recently been diagnosed with Celiac disease, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Growth hormone deficiency, ACTH deficiency, aneamia, PCOS, and hypermobility. With the hormone deficiencies from my personal research and reading through medical journals its pointing me towards the possibility of a pituitary tumour or pituitary damage and honestly I just need to find a community of people my age who understand me and share in the chronic illness struggle, as its now becoming overwhelming. Particularly as it feels that getting any sort of diagnosis is incredibly difficult. All of my conditions I have are as a result of my own actions and persistence with the GP for referrals to other services which have uncovered the root of some but not all of the issues. What do you do when keeping up with appointments and trying to live a meaningful life collides with the fatigue and mental drain of your conditions?

#MightyTogether #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #ADHD #Anxiety #Depression #coeliac #hashimoto #PituitaryTumors

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Does this sound like SSD?

Hello everyone. My entire life I've been going to doctors for health issues, never finding much wrong besides a few chronic issues along the ways. Lately I'm even moreso trying to find answers for issues that lately have gotten worse. I was again told to consider the possibility of a functional disorder or psychiatric disorder, which I'm willing to take into account and have talked to my therapist, which I've seen for about 3 years now, and have been going to therapy for about a decade or so. She completely disagrees that this is the case, I do I, but I don't want to overlook any possibility of it even if it's mild.

I will share my symptoms and their severity and I would like your input on if it sounds like Somatic Symptom Disorder.

Chronic fatigue that varies from great days where I can basically do normal adult stuff and feel fine (less common) to terrible days where I'm absolutely and utterly exhausted, sometimes to the point where I just have to lay in bed unable to move, even breathing feels laboring, or I sleep for 4-10 hours, waking up slightly less tired (a bit more common) Muscle weakness/Fatigue/heaviness. I'm not sure what to call this one, but basically, my muscles and body overall feels very heavy. Every part of me feels like its gained a bunch more weight, and it makes moving harder in various ways. happens more with fatigue. I trip a lot probably due to this -Pain, mainly muscle pain and nerve pain. Greatly in my back, and has been an ongoing constant symptom since I was about 11. Also occurs in my arms, legs, and neck. The pain in my back is often accompanied by large tough knots. -Muscle spasms & twitches. Spasms in my back and sometimes legs. twitches are throughout my body but happen in the same exact muscles and are rhythmic. really are just annoying and not disabling. -Hoarseness. This tends to really only happen when I am having a bad day with my fatigue. I'm not sure how apparent it is to others but I can hear it and feel it when its happening. Brainfog. You know what I'm talking about. Can't think right, can't comprehend words, forget words, can't focus even more than normal. My speech really gets slurred with it too. I have a history of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and ADHD. I'm also hypermobile and have gastroparesis and growth hormone deficiency. I used to have PNES due to anxiety over real symptoms before getting my HSD dx, as well as functional migraines which are gone. The only thing I can relate to at all with SSD is that I look stuff up a lot regarding health, but I'm really just trying to help drs figure stuff out and take everything with a grain of salt. I did used to follow typical SSD patterns though a couple years ago when my mental health was awful and I was basically bedbound.

I hope I could get some insight, thank you! sorry for the long read #SomaticSymptomDisorder #SomaticSymptomandRelatedDisorders #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder

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Panic Attacks

Does your chest hurts, shivering/shaking inside your body even though you are not shaking internally when people
See it, tingling feels, crying and I also have #Panhypopituitarism and #GrowthHormoneDeficiency which I produce a little to no hormones which cause chest pain and panic attacks. #Anxiety #PanicAttack


Abusive household

Hey, currently living with #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #HashimotosThyroiditis #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Panhypopituitarism #Hypopituitarism #RheumatoidArthritis #GrowthHormoneDeficiency and am in an abusive household where I am dependent. my mom took my savings of $5,000 when i was 18 and bedridden and spent it. my dad is violent and my brother. i lost all my friends cause of multiple reasons including whats listed above so i have nobody. my family is homophobic ( im lgtbtq+) and my dad is racist and im half latina. he says im faking everything. i was raped by a boyfriend i had and my mom uses it against me in arguments all the time or brings him up to upset me.

i plan on moving to NYC as im an artist. im also going to college there so ANY ADVICE would be extremely appreciated. such as financial advice, books, tips, tricks, for any thing ive mentioned. thank you for reading. peace and love 🌈💜

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Hello I am a student and am asking for survey takers for a new product of shot carrier if you could tak the survey it would be appreciated. #arthri #GrowthHormoneDeficiency

The product is for shots like HUMIRA and neutropenia that need refrigeration



Basic 1 color
Abstract image
Sleek stylish

What is most important to you in a shot carrier
Thermal installation

See full photo


so for anyone who has #Fibromyalgia or #EhlersDanlosSyndrome or #GrowthHormoneDeficiency or #HashimotosThyroiditis #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease or #LivingWithPOTS since I have all of those, I FULLY recommend the acupressure mats!!! I tried it being horrified if it would work or injure me even further, so it hurts a little at first then you feel really warm. i woke up the next day with NO PAIN. I felt happy and energetic it was insane, i painted my living room and cleaned out my messsyyy garage. seriously try it.


Hormone treatment And worrying about facial changes and stuff, any opinions would be appreciated 🔮

I was just put on HGH for my extreme #GrowthHormoneDeficiency which made me lose hair, gain 50 pounds in a month, start going blind in my left eye so much so that we have to use stem cell treatment, major stretch marks everywhere even on my face, lost eyebrows/eyelashes, the whole 9 yards. Starting the Vivelle Patch for my Estrogen deficiency at .05 mg+progesterone from 15-25 of my cycle and I’m trying to get on oxytocin nasal spray cause I don’t make oxytocin and it’s really dented my life.

Does the Estrog+Progest treatment make you gain weight or acne if you have a hormone imbalance?