Well we made dinner for each other but didn't eat at the same time.
She made me a big pot of noodles and I made her 2 cheddar brats. We're still doing parallel play while she works on her computer. I'm just happy to be close to her.
I'm going to a stitch and bitch next week with a friend who lives 10 minutes away. Then when it's done we're gonna come back to my apartment and I'll make a nice dinner for us. I'm probably gonna make garlic Parmesan chicken with noodles. I told her about my recipe and she said it sounds delicious. I've made it for my caregiver and she said it was one of my best chicken recipes. I might do a veggie to balance the dinner.
There's a witches market on the 30th. One of my favorite metaphysical shops moved a few years ago and I haven't seen it's new spot. They serve complimentary tea. They're gonna have a krampus available for pictures! I'm really excited.
December 21st is my winter solstice and a really nice holiday. Its called Yule. I'm gonna get a gift for my caregiver. I'm also planning to make peanut butter haystacks for all my friends. And I can't forget to make some for me!
I'm gonna send a bottle of chicken shit seasoning blend to my mom for Christmas. It's delicious. I think she'll like it. But just in case she doesn't, I'm gonna send her a box of cookies.