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My back is really hurting this morning. I took 2 percocet 10 minutes ago. The only chore I have to do is cleaning my kitchen counter. It's pretty bad. But it shouldn't take me long to clean it.

I ordered some new clothes and a few pieces of jewelry. The jewelry was 5 bucks total. Super cheap and really cute. I told my mom and she said "boys don't wear jewelry" which made me laugh. I know she wouldn't understand what genderqueer means so I just tell her I'm a boy. I wish she'd just accept that I am a boy. She acknowledged it but she still deadnames me and uses female pronouns. I've been out of the closet for 14 years and she still doesn't get it.

#LGBT #MentalHealth #Transgender

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You Don't Owe Passing

When I saw this image, it really resonated with me. Part of my denial as an egg, and what consistently plagued me to this day, is that I have been conditioned by the patriarchy to believe in the Beauty Myth. As a transfemme, I thought I wasn't good enough because I would be an ugly woman. I must overcome this inner criticism and grow my confidence, by assuring myself I don't owe anyone passing. I'm good enough as I am. In fact, I should love myself as I am. #Transgender #Dysphoria

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Really Down over News

I heard about the death of another non-binary teen in the news this week (Nex Benedict) and I’m really upset about it. They were 16 and beat to death over being non-binary. The school didn’t even have the decency to call them an ambulance. I’m tired of hearing all about how being gay is a sin. I’m tired of my relatives constantly talking about God yet making it seem like being gay is the biggest abomination on earth. It’s not. I believe in God and Jesus and I’m so sick of this argument. I’m so sad that another kid died so violently. I’m scared for myself despite living in a liberal state… you just don’t know these days. I’m just upset. #LGBTQ #Transgender #nonbinary #MentalHealth #Depression

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Things I lost out on by being trans

I don't get to be a son, brother, or uncle. I didn't get to experience boy scouts or little league tee ball. I didn't get to make a boxcar for racing. I didn't get to wear pants during grade school. And it might seem silly to want those things but I was forced to be super girly. I got dolls that I never played with. I got a toy kitchen because I was expected to be a stay at home mom when I grew up. I got ugly girl clothes. I never learned from my mom how to do my hair or put on makeup but I used magazines to learn how to do the costume of girl. I tried so hard to fit into the role but I never felt good in my skin. I felt like an alien.

I knew I was supposed to be a boy when I was 5 and my mom tried to beat it out of me. I didn't have a word for how I felt until I turned 16. I read a book titled "Luna". It changed my life. Suddenly I knew that there were others that felt like me. Suddenly I found myself. And I made plans. I was gonna transition as soon as I moved out of my parents house. I was gonna do testosterone, get surgery, change my name, the whole thing.

But that's not how my life went.

I got pregnant and was a stay home mom. My fiance was cheating on me with my best friend. So we split. And a year later I came out of the closet. Suddenly everyone hated me. I bucked the status quo. I made decisions that cost me everything I had.

I chose to live authentic. I knew I was sick and I wasn't willing to live a lie anymore. I deserved to feel good in my own skin. So I made sacrifices. I lost everything. I was homeless for much of 12 years. I floated from shelter to shelter. But I never gave up being who I truly am.

I told myself integrity was worth my sorrow.

It's hard being trans. There's a lot of hate in the world. My family doesn't understand it and call me by my legal name even though I've been out for 14 years. They probably won't ever get it. I made my peace with it. They are hundreds of miles away anyway.

My chosen family accepts me as I am, warts and all. Momma calls me her son. My siblings call me their brother. I don't have to worry about them deadnaming me. I'm safe with them. And I'm loved. That's made a huge difference in my life.

And it's all I could have hoped for.

#Relationships #Transgender #CheckInWithMe

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Migraine Update

#Migraine #ChronicHeadaches #postconcussivesyndrome #SleepApnea

my neurologist was very kind and prescribed me some vitamins and rescue medications. She also wants me to have a sleep study to rule out sleep apnea as a cause of worsening migraine and tension headaches.

I'm having less headaches and migraines this week which almost makes me feel like an imposter. Does anyone ever feel that way?

#BipolarDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #ADHD #Transgender

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Making Presentations, Convincing Goldfish & Ending Controversy!

Making Presentations, Convincing Goldfish & Ending Controversy! - #DwhellOnIt Episode 65

📺 -

🗣 - "I can't be optimistic that we're going to solve it all when it comes to #trans #individuals . The conversation, and the controversy, all come from the same place. It comes from the same people, the same reasons and gets promoted by the same behaviours. It's all identical. If we can solve racism, we can solve transphobia, so I'm doing what I can. I'm not optimistic, but if I don't do anything about it, I don't have any right to complain about it happening either."

❓ - What's #DwhellOnIt ?

👀 - Dwhell On It is a series where I answer your questions about my lived experience as a #trans woman!

📺 - Follow the playlist! -

🔖 - Bookmarks!

* What would it be if you had to do an impromptu presentation about a #trans -based topic?

* How often do you experience transphobia, and how does that make you feel?

* Is there anything that changes about you between your public and private life?

* What is one thing you wish you could convince everyone to understand?

* Do you think the controversy about #trans people will end during your lifetime?

🔗 - Links!

* #Canada Voted in Favour of Policing #women 's Bodies! -

* Does Sport Manitoba Fund Non-Inclusive PSOs? -

* City of Winnipeg: Self-Declaration and Employment Equity -

* #Transgender Awareness Week - "Progress takes time, but it should not end with us going back in time." -

* City of Winnipeg City Council Approves to Prefer #Kindness -

* Mayoral candidate blames Indigenous men for violence against Indigenous #women . -

* Expectations, Responsibilities and Talking to Goldfish -

* How Presentation Affects Representation -

‼️ - Like! Share! Subscribe!

➕ - Subscribe to see new episodes when they get uploaded! -

✉️ - Comment or DM your questions to get answered in a future episode!

👍🏻 - Please like and share!

👱🏼‍♀️ - Look Me Up!

@TaylorLakhryst: #Transgender woman, advocate, INFJ, ♊️, she/her/hers 🏳️‍⚧️

* Linktree:

👀 - Fight Against Hate!

📣 - End anti-2SLGBTQIA+ abuse! -

📣 - Biased systems, ignorant platforms, violent abusers and isolated victims stay ongoing.

📣 - Grassroots power comes from its people! Get involved or refer others you know to challenge systemic violence and oppression!

💻 - You Can Help!

@HireWheller: A grassroots group to help the 2SLGBTQIA+ community overcome often-minimized struggles.

* Instagram:

* Facebook:

* Twitter:

📒 - Alt Information!

* Text: Dwhell on it with Taylor Lakhryst! Making Presentations, Convincing Goldfish & Ending Controversy! - Episode 65 - HIREWHELLER

* Description: A blonde woman is wearing glasses, a black hoodie and a black and blue striped t-shirt. There is white text with red, blue and pink accents. She is sitting on a black chair in front of a beige wall.

* Captions: Automated

#manitoba #winnipeg #Sports #Lesbian #LGBTQ #LGBTQ #demisexual #equality #Gratitude

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion - Human Resources - City of Winnipeg

City of Winnipeg Careers

Being Common, Being Famous, the Past Life & the Real Life

Being Common, Being Famous, the Past Life & the Real Life - #DwhellOnIt Episode 64

📺 -

🗣 - "Sure, there are #trans #individuals who had their sex assigned at birth by a doctor who has never known them. And accepted by people who assumed they knew what was best for you. And then followed office administrators #stamping papers and typing on keyboards. Assigning a gender identity to someone who never even had a voice in things, let alone having a voice, period. And then, #saying , 'No, my gender identity does not align with my sex assigned at birth.' Thanks for that, by the way, everybody."

❓ - What's #DwhellOnIt ?

👀 - Dwhell On It is a series where I answer your questions about my lived experience as a #trans woman!

📺 - Follow the playlist! -

🔖 - Bookmarks!

* Do you wish you had transitioned earlier? Why? Why not?

* How much do you share in common with other #trans people? Do you share anything in common with other #LGBTQ people too?

* Would you like to be famous? In what way?

* Do you treat yourself with anything because you are #trans ?

* How did you prepare to prove real-life experience for your transition?

🔗 - Links!

* I'm still closeted and don't know if I could ever come out because I'll get seen like I'm different. Did or do you still feel the same way, and how do you cope with that? -

* "You mention you don't regret the time lost. I'm starting #HRT at 39. I've been #Questioning my gender for 15-20 years. I'm thinking about what would have happened if I'd figured it out or been braver early on." How do you do that? -

* How would you describe the #trans community in three words? -

* How Presentation Affects Representation -

* Are there any #Events in your life that helped encourage you to transition? -

‼️ - Like! Share! Subscribe!

➕ - Subscribe to see new episodes when they get uploaded! -

✉️ - Comment or DM your questions to get answered in a future episode!

👍🏻 - Please like and share!

👱🏼‍♀️ - Look Me Up!

@TaylorLakhryst: #Transgender woman, advocate, INFJ, ♊️, she/her/hers 🏳️‍⚧️

* Linktree:

👀 - Fight Against Hate!

📣 - End anti-2SLGBTQIA+ abuse! -

📣 - Biased systems, ignorant platforms, violent abusers and isolated victims stay ongoing.

📣 - Grassroots power comes from its people! Get involved or refer others you know to challenge systemic violence and oppression!

💻 - You Can Help!

@HireWheller: A grassroots group to help the 2SLGBTQIA+ community overcome often-minimized struggles.

* Instagram:

* Facebook:

* Twitter:

📒 - Alt Information!

* Text: Dwhell on it with Taylor Lakhryst! Being Common, Being Famous, the Past Life & the Real Life - Episode 64 - HIREWHELLER

* Description: A blonde woman is wearing glasses, a grey heathered sweater and a black shirt. There is blue text with a purple and magenta accent. She is sitting on a black chair in front of a beige wall.

* Captions: Automated

#Lesbian #LGBT #demisexual #equality

Your Q's, my A's! Let's #DwhellOnIt!

❓ - What's #DwhellOnIt? 👀 - Dwhell On It is a series where I answer your questions about my lived experience as a #trans woman! 📺 - Follow the playlist! - ht...