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A poem called The Mask Of Pain by Mica Warsop

Feeling weary & very weak,
I smile so I don't look so bleak.

No one knows the amount
of pain I feel,
I know if they did,
they themselves couldn't deal.

I stay strong & try not to cry,
all the while asking God why.
why was I designed to have a painful,
disabled life?
God replies
"Because you were designed
with awareness in mind...
You're spirit can handle it,
you're strong & you're kind.
Don't hide your pain,
talk about it with pride"

By Mica Warsop
#ChronicPain #Disability #mobility #InvisibleIllness #Undiagnosed #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #RareDisorder #raregenetics #invisiblesymptoms #Ableism #misundersoodillness #InvisibleDisability #lifelongconditions #Dontlooksick


In a sweeping glance #MightyPoets #MySymptoms

In a sweeping glance I look all but fine, you’d never know the decades lost.
In that sweeping glance you can but see the agony that lies within me.

In a momentary glimpse you’d see a smile trying to hide the pain, pushing through at all costs.
In that momentary glimpse you can but see me fading in your company.

In a seconds stare you wouldn’t notice as my brainfogs and my eyes gloss over.
In that seconds stare you couldn’t see the monsterous fatigue that swells over my body.

In a passing look you couldn’t tell my agnony, my migraine hell,
In that passing look you wouldn’t see the endless suffering that engulfs me.

In a transient gaze you wouldn’t be aware of the nausea, the endless torture.
In that transient gaze you wouldn’t know of the dizziness, the fainting that’s constantly haunting.

In a brief glance you couldn’t see the part of me that is forever lost.
In that brief glance you couldn’t see me fighting for my life at all costs.

In a momentary stare you would not see all the invisible symptoms of my illness, my disability.
In that momentary stare note the change in my life, perhaps you’d see the effects of my illness there.

In my ongoing gaze I see, I feel the suffering others are blind to as I long to heal, longing for someone to see me for who I am, to lend a hand, to understand.
In that ongoing gaze I recognise my symptoms may be invisible, yet their affect on my life dismal, visible.

Do you?

#MECFS #CFSME #CFS #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Fibro #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Spoonie #InvisibleIllness #invisiblesymptoms