I think I have bpd but I don‘t have a diagnosis
Hey Guys, I have several mutual symptoms with those qho have bpd and I definitely think that I might have it because it affects my life very much. The problem is that my parents say it‘s something about my age (18) or I need to do sports etc. They don‘t understand that I struggle with an identity crisis, self consciousness, dear of abandonment and being in a relationship is one of the hardest things ever!!!.They think its my hormones but I feel like this since I am 16. when I look back I also knew that I wasn‘t the most normal child and I could say that my childhood and teenage year weren‘t easy at all because I had to cope with an over extremly monitor parent. I am seeing a psychiatrist now but because I heard a lot that my parents think its normal, I always ask my self if I‘m really okay but them I am not and its shiftig hour to hour and its making me crazy.
I actually want to get diagnosed to feel understood so my parents see that I was right and get maybe more attention from them because it seems like they dont care about my mental health.
I know it takes its time to really know where the problem is but how can I patient or know more about my condition?
#BPD #MentalHealthProblems #misunderstanding