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I think I have bpd but I don‘t have a diagnosis

Hey Guys, I have several mutual symptoms with those qho have bpd and I definitely think that I might have it because it affects my life very much. The problem is that my parents say it‘s something about my age (18) or I need to do sports etc. They don‘t understand that I struggle with an identity crisis, self consciousness, dear of abandonment and being in a relationship is one of the hardest things ever!!!.They think its my hormones but I feel like this since I am 16. when I look back I also knew that I wasn‘t the most normal child and I could say that my childhood and teenage year weren‘t easy at all because I had to cope with an over extremly monitor parent. I am seeing a psychiatrist now but because I heard a lot that my parents think its normal, I always ask my self if I‘m really okay but them I am not and its shiftig hour to hour and its making me crazy.
I actually want to get diagnosed to feel understood so my parents see that I was right and get maybe more attention from them because it seems like they dont care about my mental health.
I know it takes its time to really know where the problem is but how can I patient or know more about my condition?
#BPD #MentalHealthProblems #misunderstanding


he’s always wrong about what I need.

whenever I’m freaking out, he almost always responds poorly. there are times when touching me will get his head ripped off, and that’s when he always tries to just come hold me and comfort me. it makes me angrier.
then there are times when I want nothing more than for him to chase me down the stairs and hold me tight and tell me it’s going to be okay, and I can come back to bed for a few minutes. I can skip class and cling to him like he’s the only thing keeping me alive.
those are the times when he gives me space. when he tries to convince me I will benefit from going to school and getting ahead. those are the times when I am so alone in the world I wonder why I even tried. everyone says getting married is worth it but I have yet to see a difference.
#Relationships #Anxiety #lonely #lost #misunderstanding


How do you explain to someone that you just can’t?

My husband has a very hard time understanding me on the days when I wake up and I just can’t go to class. I can convince myself to go to work, because I know how that will benefit me, but class... I just can’t do it today.
he doesn’t understand how I can be perfectly fine one minute, then the next I’m tearing at my hair because I’m so uncomfortable in my own clothes, my own skin.
he has a very hard time letting me sleep in a little longer and miss class, because he doesn’t understand one bit how broken I feel.
how can I make him understand better so we don’t have this petty argument whenever this happens, making me feel even worse about existing?

#misunderstanding #Anxiety #Undiagnosed #lost #lonely

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How to ask a wounded friend for forgiveness in a misunderstanding #misunderstanding #Relationships

So my significant friend and myself are getting closer amidst delicate topics, and are doing great! But today I made the mistake of not paying attention to a message and typing the absolute wrong reply. He is now hurt and not talking to me- and I want to be mature and give him space. I struggle with anxiety tho- and have been on edge. Please help. #CheckInWithMe



When I speak less it doesn't mean that I have no worries.
It is just that there are not enough words to explain the situation that I am in.

When I care less it doesn't mean that I have it easy.
It is just that I have so many other things going on in my head that drag me down.

When I give no attention don't say I am rude.
It is just because I am scared of being rejected.

Dont judge me......
It is just because I am having a fight with myself.

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#misunderstanding my #Anxity

I finally told my boyfriend all my mental disorders like schizophrenia, anxiety and bipolar. He gets really upset when I act before I think. I really don't mean to do things that make people upset. I can't help it, I love him so much I just wish he could understand what goes through my head.

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