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Undiagnosed, trying to navigate the healthcare system.

I've been trying to get answers about what the hell is wrong with me for so long I am starting to lose hope. Growing up my parents thought I was just a hypochondriac. Then when I was able to start going to doctors visits on my own and was diagnosed with #PCOS at the age of 15/16 I finally had proof that some if my symptoms were real.

I was finally diagnosed with #mitral vavle prolapse at the age of 26. Turns out that I've had it my entire life but no one cought it until just recently. In addition to the mitral valve prolapse I was also diagnosed with #CongestiveHeartFailure #rectocele #vaginismus #lymphadenopathy #BipolarDisorder #Hypertension #Sleep apnea and #PelvicFloorDysfunction .

I also fit the criteria for a lot of other conditions but I'm having a hard time getting clear answers from my doctors as to wether I do or do not have these other conditions.

Does anyone else find it difficult to actually get a diagnosis from their doctors? Even when you meet all of the criteria for such diagnosis?

My current issue is that I'm trying to get in to see a geneticists to get tested for #EhlersDanlosSyndrome and other connective tissue disorders. In order to do so you have to provide a lot of documentation showing why you should be tested for genetic conditions. Part of this documentation would include the conditions that you've been diagnosed with. But since I have not gotten an official diagnosis for many of the conditions I suffer from I don't have a way to include them in the documentation to send to the geneticist and I have been denied an appointment twice now.

It's like a puzzle. I need my doctors to help identify the missing pieces so that I can go to the geneticist and have them complete the puzzle but I am so tired of having to push and push and push to try and find doctors that are willing to run the tests and not just give up before the missing process are identified.

Why is the process so difficult? On top of it all I have suffered from #Undiagnosed #ChronicFatigue for the past 8 years and I just don't have the energy to continue fighting. But if I don't continue fighting then I'm only going to continue to decline. It's a never ending loop.