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Triggers, pet peeve responses, and being overwhelmed | TW swearing, family

For my mental health sake, I sincerely ask if you could please censor c*v*d-19 (o, i) or the other words, p*nd*mic (a, e), and q**rantine (ua) or leave them out entirely before posting any comments. Thank you, you’re the best!
Before I say anything, I just want everybody to know that I am not intending to be/sound rude when I say any of this.

Saying that “well, *trigger word* is not going to go away” or “it is what it is” are the least helpful things you can say to someone with triggers, because to me, it feels like you’re saying “welp, you’re screwed for the rest of your life” and for the latter “I simply don’t care”, even if you’re not intending to sound that way.

Yes, I still have these words as my triggers everyday. It still brings me flashbacks whenever I fucking hear any of the words and how much of a sad life I’m still in (and I already have mostly negative views about society) because I unintentionally drag myself into that very sad period of 2020 and beyond.

I’m trying to work this over with my therapist, but I haven’t because there’s a thousand things that happen with me and are on my fucking mind everyday, and if not everyday, then most days (traumatic flashbacks, being overstimulated by youngest nephew constantly, stress dreams, trying to make time for all 7 of my queerplatonic partners (yes, it’s healthy, non-romantic, and consensual) and trying to be perfect around them all the time (I should probably stop doing that), waiting to move out of here already into a more safer and quieter environment, extreme social dysphoria as a non-binary individual, etc. etc.)

#MyAutismIsNotADisorder #SocialAnxiety #Trauma #Anxiety #triggers #normalizetriggerwarnings #overstimulated #overwhelmed #triggerwarning #venting #LGBTQIA #MentalHealth

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I hate these words. Posting this again because a comment said all three of those words uncensored. Please censor them or don’t say them at all /vsrs

Because of what happened, I deleted the last post. I am very sad and probably about to have an anxiety attack because of them being mentioned several times today (apart from here). I’m serious. Please censor them or don’t say any of them at all in the comments. #venting

Why can’t I have a good day??


I hate these words

• c*v*d-19 (o, i) or c*r*na (o, o)
• p*nd*m*c (a, e, i)
• q**rint*ne (ua, i)

Of course, I have more words that I hate.
But those three. It’s not fun or funny. Whenever I run into it, it either makes me sad or uncomfortable, or even angry. It just one reference to the uncensored words that can make me feel so down so easily. Idk why I’m even posting this, I doubt that anyone’s going to care

Also, please normalize trigger warnings.

#stress #Anxiety #AnxietyAttack #PleasePutTriggerWarnings #normalizetriggerwarnings