My caregiver slept till 2pm. She decided today she was gonna organize and clean my room. I directed her from my bed. I hadn't touched my suitcase since I got home from con in September. She unpacked it, put away my clothes, and helped me process my emotions. Now she's vacuuming.
My right side from just above my butt cheek all the way to my toes hurts like hell. The pain meds helped with my back pain and migraine but it doesn't help with my right hip. We're starting to worry cuz it's been really bad for about 3 weeks. I remember my hips popped out of joint a few weeks ago. Like really loud POP. It's been hurting since.
I have bilateral acetabular impingement, bursitis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in both hips. I've also got bone spurs in my hip joints. So I've got pretty intense pain.
#Caregiving #Relationships #hippain #BackPain #bilateralacetabularimpingement #Bursitis #Osteoarthritis #ChronicPain