I can choose
I have multiple health issues. The main three are #POTS #EhlersDanlosSyndrome hypermobile type and #Fibromyalgia I have #Osteoarthritis , early disc degeneration and other spine and neck issues related to my hEDS.
I say "mine" because it is mine. The pain is mine. The experience of living with chronic illness is mine. The discouragement is mine as well. And, yes, I will claim the loneliness as mine, also.
None of us asked for this and I'm pretty sure most would want our health issues to be taken away, especially the pain.
But, do you know what is also mine? My choices. I can choose to praise God, even through the pain, or I can complain. I can choose to love my family, or let my pain overshadow the enjoyment of being a mom of many! I can choose to be compassionate to someone else's struggle or belittle their issues in comparison to my pain.
I can also choose to push myself or just accept my limitations and rest. I can choose to do my PT, eat right, take my supplements, ask for help and do things I enjoy.
Sometimes, the only thing I can do, is to lie on my back, in my bed or in the recliner and watch a movie with my children.
I did not choose my Trifecta of Misery, as I refer to my POTS, hEDS and fibromyalgia. But, I alone get to choose my experience with #ChronicIllness .