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Stupid angry feelings

I don't have transportation. I rely on my friends to take me out to go to events. But none of my friends are spiritual. And the events I desperately need to attend are spiritual. So I can't go. And this is really upsetting me. My soul hurts and needs nurturing. My faith is so important to me.

So I decided to host a pagan potluck at the park that is right behind my apartment. It's scheduled for August 5th. I posted the link in some pagan groups on Facebook... And asked people to spread the word. I don't know if anyone will attend but all I can do is try. I've got my fingers crossed.

I'm so stressed out that I developed a stress migraine. I have had a really rough day today. I'm on day 4 of a Crohn's flare. And I've got a bad flare up of herpetic whitlow so my hands are really itchy. I've got so much on my mind. I'm going to a convention in September and I have to figure out how I'm getting to the airport on my own. And I need to buy a suitcase. I think maybe I can get by with just a big duffel bag. I dunno. Lots to do next month to get ready.

Tomorrow I have a neurologist appointment to address my migraine frequency. Last month I had 25 days of migraines. I'm stressed out about the appointment because I have to take transportation through my insurance and it's usually late so if I'm late to my appointment they'll cancel it. I'm just hoping I get there on time.

I've also got a flare up of really bad seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp, face, eyebrows, and inside my ears. I will see my dermatologist on Friday. I hope there's something else I can use for it. I've been using ketoconazole shampoo for almost 2 years and it doesn't help at all.

I feel alone. Like I have no friends to turn to. I don't have much in common with them. I'm trying to make new friends in the pagan community. I am also in a few trans Michigan groups but most of the members are trans girls. I need guy friends. I've only got one guy friend and he works 7 days per week. I have seen him once in the last 3 months. I don't really know how to make friends... But I'm trying.

#Faith #Paganism #Depression #Anxiety #Stress #hopeful #CheckInWithMe #tired

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× The Main Reason's As To Why I Personally Became A PAGAN. ×#Paganism

♤ I Have Alway's Felt Different In Some Way I Was Raised In A Very Religious Household. Alway's Went To Sunday Morning School x Church. But I Have Alway's Felt That The Church Was Just Ripping Off People For $. ▪︎▪︎"Please Do Not Comment On My Post If It Offend's Anyone ". ▪︎▪︎♤ I Stopped Believing In Catholic Religious Belief's. Ever Since The Loss Of My Son. I Need A New Way To Help Myself Heal Within A Different Path. So I'm Studying Everything About " Paganism ". And I Feel A Since Of Peace x Normal With This Religious New Path. I Love Everything That Come's With This. It Help's Me Heal In A Way. I Have Collected So Much Knowledge Within This Experience. ◇ Sincerely, × SKADI KVITRAVN × ♤#Paganism


Dylan's Introduction

Hi, my name is Dylan and I am the leader of this group! This is the first group I am running, so please let me know if you have any suggestions or concerns as we go along.

I came to paganism through a desire for spirituality after leaving organized religion. I have chosen family who are indigenous and are practicing spirituality through reclaiming their traditional methods, and this drove me to find out what my own ancestors' spirituality might have looked like. My research led me to paganism and the associated beliefs and spiritual practices.

I now identify as pagan, heathen, and/or spiritual, and maintain a solitary practice. I would consider myself primarily a green witch, as I feel a lot of connection to the earth and the life she sustains. I am slowly working towards a more natural and environmentally friendly lifestyle, changing one thing at a time, and trying to find methods that work with my disabilities. Ideally, long term goals include living on the land, in harmony with nature.

I am also disabled, chronically ill, and recovering from C-PTSD. The management of my physical and mental emotional wellness overlap so often that I cannot separate them. Paganism helps me manage my health by grounding and soothing me, supporting my routine, and allowing me to access fulfillment regardless of what life is throwing at me.

I'm hoping to use this group as a place to share my experiences with pagan spirituality and chronic conditions, and hear others' experiences on these topics. I'm also hoping to make some connections and build a sense of community, where we can support each other in our practices and in our well being. While I am happy maintaining a solitary practice, I would also love to have other pagan folk to share with.

Feel free to make your own introductory post, or get right into sharing whatever is on your mind! I'm looking forward to hearing from you. :)

#Paganism #Spirituality #Disabled #ChronicIllness #CPTSD #introduction

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New Group: Paganism, Spirituality, and Disability

Hey! I started a group for people who are practicing or interested in Paganism, Heathenry, Wicca, and general spirituality outside of organized religion, who are also living with a disability and/or chronic conditions (physical and/or mental emotional).

I created this group primarily for discussion on using Pagan and other spiritual practices as a part of taking care of our overall well being. This group is also intended for discussing spiritual topics and health topics separately, asking questions, and learning from each other.

If you're interested or feel this group would be a good fit for you, join us! We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Paganism, Spirituality, and Disability

#Disability #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #Paganism #heathenry #wicca #Spirituality


Dylan's Introduction

Hi, my name is Dylan and I am the leader of this group! This is the first group I am running, so please let me know if you have any suggestions or concerns as we go along.

I came to paganism through a desire for spirituality after leaving organized religion. I have chosen family who are indigenous and are practicing spirituality through reclaiming their traditional methods, and this drove me to find out what my own ancestors' spirituality might have looked like. My research led me to paganism and the associated beliefs and spiritual practices.

I now identify as pagan, heathen, and/or spiritual, and maintain a solitary practice. I would consider myself primarily a green witch, as I feel a lot of connection to the earth and the life she sustains. I am slowly working towards a more natural and environmentally friendly lifestyle, changing one thing at a time, and trying to find methods that work with my disabilities. Ideally, long term goals include living on the land, in harmony with nature.

I am also disabled, chronically ill, and recovering from C-PTSD. The management of my physical and mental emotional wellness overlap so often that I cannot separate them. Paganism helps me manage my health by grounding and soothing me, supporting my routine, and allowing me to access fulfillment regardless of what life is throwing at me.

I'm hoping to use this group as a place to share my experiences with pagan spirituality and chronic conditions, and hear others' experiences on these topics. I'm also hoping to make some connections and build a sense of community, where we can support each other in our practices and in our well being. While I am happy maintaining a solitary practice, I would also love to have other pagan folk to share with.

Feel free to make your own introductory post, or get right into sharing whatever is on your mind! I'm looking forward to hearing from you. :)

#Paganism #Spirituality #Disabled #ChronicIllness #CPTSD #introduction