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Thoughts......Again? Trigger warning.

Hi, I had some reductions in meds about 3-4 months ago. I've noticed recently I am starting to have increased su...dal ideations. Every day several times, I haven't had them everyday for at least 5+ years, I would occasionally but not like this again. My mood has been lower & I just don't care. I'm changing GP's ATM, so can't go there as they don't know me. Anyone got any ideas how to get on top of this, I do dbt but it's kinda scary. #BorderlinePersonalityDisorderBPD #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicObstructivePulmonaryDiseaseCOPD #chronic depressive disorder #PTSD #PERSISTENT pain #ChronicIllness

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#PERSISTENT #PTSD #wononetoday #feelinghappy #Update

I wanted to let everyone who read my sad and pitiful post a few weeks ago... That I finally saw a light at the end of the tunnel today.

After 3 weeks of battling with insurance companies,
People who did not want to listen and would just turn me away, I finally have hope tonight.
I am going to treatment !



SpEcial Need Parents ; Accepatance and Moving-On

If you have unlimited why's with what we are going through right now, the more that we should have never ending thinking of HOW and WHAT we should do to our kid to have them a better life and beautiful future.

ACCEPTANCE is not just our need to do but we have to be driven to move our life journey to the fullest every single day.
#teamstrongandbrave #repost #indenialnomore #acceptanceplus #unconditionallove #knowledgeislife #hungryfortreatmentofCP #optimistic #PERSISTENT #specialneedfamily #SpecialNeeds #cpcommunity #lifewithcerebralpalsy #movingforward #strongandbravetheo