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Okay guys #Update time

Thank you to all who commented on my last post. I'm doing better mentally now than I was. Yalls support means so much to me.

Funny story: APPARENTLY I'm allergic to one of my new meds.
What happened you ask? Oh nothing just my lips, gums, and tongue swelling to painful proportions. I didn't even recognize it as an allergic reaction due to my eating disorder 🤣🤦‍♀️

Anyway, stopped the meds, been taking benadryl and things are looking up lol whew! What a week! Still feelin it, but looking less like a Kardashian 🤣

Thanks again, My little growing community 💜

#MightyTogether #Depression #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD

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☆ " 👋 Mighty Peep's!!! " #CheckingIn #Update

☆ " So I Have Been Busy Working And Applying For Stuff.. I Already Have An Appointment For SSA In April And I Just Did Medicaid And SNAP... I Just Really Want To Be Off My Feet From Standing 8+ Hour's A Day.. And To Finally Be Away From Nosy Mean People... But Until Then It's The Neverending Waiting Game With These People..." ☆ ▪︎♤▪︎SKAOI KVITRAVN▪︎♤▪︎ #Stressedout

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° " So Yeah I Went In To Work And Yeah Like Alway's Get Asked Question's ... " • #Update

× " So I Guess I'm Getting My Hour's Cut Which Is What I Started With... When I Began Working For T.C. My Schedule Is Now Hopefully 4 Day's Of Work 3 Day's Off.. We Will See This Lady Forget's Though... Also I Almost Passed Out At Work.. Because The Store Was Extremely Hott.. " • #Work ☆☆☆Skaoi Kvitravn ☆☆☆

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Today is hard

Had my counseling appointment, it went okay. We discussed things if I don't feel I can keep myself safe, the mammogram (not scheduled yet), #Selfharm stuff, #SuicidalIdeation stuff and things.
I kinda want to self-harm now, #Depression is high. Trying to motivate myself to do stuff. I'm really depressed and don't know why 😔 counseling didn't help too much. I feel like my life is one big distraction lately.
I miss my grandma a lot 😭 she died in 2019, she was more of mom than my mom could be it seemed. It's better now with my mom, a lot better but I can't discuss mental health issues with her or any other family members really. I didn't really with my grandma but I knew she loved me unconditionally and we agreed more on a lot of things.
My case manager called from my doctor's office about a different rheumatologist. Having issues getting in with one. She also called me back cause I called her about the depression and stuff, I don't know how that made me feel. I'm kinda numb and have fibro fog badly. Everything seems at an arms length and I'm disassociating a tad. I'm not doing great.

#Anxiety #PTSD #FibroFog #Fibromyalgia #numb #Update #Grief

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× Peek-A-Boo! Doe's Anyone Miss Me.... Yet ? " × #🤣🤣🤣😃

× " I'm Going To Have Alittle Slow Down.. Since We Have Plenty Of Employee's... But I Hate Having My Hour's Cut.. It Make's Me Feel Like I'm Being Lazy.. But Oh Well There's Nothing I Can Do About It... And Wait Until The Teen's Go Back To School Hopefully... Sigh.. " YES! I'M A WORKAHOLIC .. " × #Update ☆ ▪︎ S. K. ▪︎☆


× " Sooo I Fight Broke Out At Work Today S.M.H " × #Drama #WhyCan 'tPeopleBehave

× " Sooo The Morning... Was Going Well Until A New Employee Didn't Like What My Boss Wanted To Teach Her... This New Hire Took Thing's The Worng Way.. And Started Causing Drama For No Reason With My Boss... I Really Didn't See Anything I Just Heard Yelling Really... And I Saw Hair Being Pulled.. This New Girl Couldn't Just Follow Some Nice Teaching's... She Got Herself Fired... And Arrested... On Her 1st Day On The Job Too... Why Can't Human's Behave Seriously!!!... " × ☆☆S.K.☆☆ #Update #Drama


× " Hello Mightie's... Busy Day At Work.. " × #Update

× " Sooo.. I Have Been Working Non Stop.. Lately We Are Now Fully Open To The Public... I'm Still Full-time Yaay! But Today Some New Girl Had A Breakdown At Work Full On Display.. To The Point That The District Manager Saw Everything Yike's... This Girl Ran Away From The Patio Area.. Almost Stripped.. Because She Kept Saying That A Wasp Was After Her. Mind You I Was Standing Right Next To Her. I Didn't See Anything. So My Day Was Wierd And Then This Girl Was In Tear's Complaining That The Job Was Stressful And Hard. My Boss Was Like W.T.F. And She Claimed That This Job Was Fake..And That We Were Playing Her.👍 And So Apparently This Has Happened At Another T.C. This Girl Like's Putting On A Show. And Making Drama... I Guess.. She Definitely Has #mental Health Issue's For Sure. Let's See If She Show's Up Tomorrow For Work ? × Sincerely, ☆ S. K. ☆ #Update


× " An Upgrade To Full-Time Employment " ×

× So Now I Will Be Grinding Fulltime 8 Hour's 5 Day's A Week. With My Two Regular Day's Off. I Think My Upgraded Pay Will Be At $13 But I Still Don't Know For Sure Until Next Week. Take Care Mightie's All My Love x Huge Hug's To You All. ♡ S.K. ♡ #Update #Upgrade


x Up Next Course I Will Be Diving..Into Acupressure Point Therapy x #wishmeluck

x This Will Be Course # 6 And Then More Interesting Knowledge To Come Soo Stay Tuned For More.. x #Update 's 🌹🤓🤘