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So, last year, in October, I had tried to commit suicide. I had a friend who had reported it to the councelor at school, and I got the help I needed. though it ended with me going to a mental hospital, i am now a year and a little over three months since that incident. I have learned to cope and live with the constant thoughts of negativity, and now I am trying to help others through their times, especially seeing that I have myself gone through tough times. i want ya'll to know that ya'll are not alone, and it's ok to not be ok. If ya'll need someone to talk to here, i am here for you. #StayStrong #BeStrong

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Just face it like a warrior!!

It’s often in our darkest moments, those moments when you are the giver or the taker. That moment you know you can not stand to watch the down fall of someone you admire. Someone you cherish, or someone you want to be there for. But you also know outcomes are positive and negative in their reinforcement for those involved. To the complex world of our human behavior we thrust our hearts,minds, and often our souls only to realize the learning curve of good mental health! To all of you who are in this amazing group titled DepressionSavingOurselves I say let’s just punch that pain away, take today by the freakin hand and yell “It’s my way, It’s this way, I am of great worth to so many. You will not break me today, tomorrow, matter of fact NEVER!” But know as I can tell you I know all to well, is that this needs to be at the most darkest of moments. And with that I tell you PUNCH on and know I love and care for everyone of you, of all who search for a hand. I try as do we all to be true in this group for the hope of saving OURSELVES and I am here to help you do that the best I can!!!! May we all last the ten rounds. May you all be happy and amazing ALWAYS!!!! #BipolarDepression #ChronicDepression #MentalHealth #MensMentalHealth #ChronicIllness #BeStrong #EmbraceYou #NationalSuicidePreventionWeek #Selflove

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Just face it like a warrior!!

It’s often in our darkest moments, those moments when you are the giver or the taker. That moment you know you can not stand to watch the down fall of someone you admire. Someone you cherish, or someone you want to be there for. But you also know outcomes are positive and negative in their reinforcement for those involved. To the complex world of our human behavior we thrust our hearts,minds, and often our souls only to realize the learning curve of good mental health! To all of you who are in this amazing group titled DepressionSavingOurselves I say let’s just punch that pain away, take today by the freakin hand and yell “It’s my way, It’s this way, I am of great worth to so many. You will not break me today, tomorrow, matter of fact NEVER!” But know as I can tell you I know all to well, is that this needs to be at the most darkest of moments. And with that I tell you PUNCH on and know I love and care for everyone of you, of all who search for a hand. I try as do we all to be true in this group for the hope of saving OURSELVES and I am here to help you do that the best I can!!!! May we all last the ten rounds. May you all be happy and amazing ALWAYS!!!! #BipolarDepression #ChronicDepression #MentalHealth #MensMentalHealth #ChronicIllness #BeStrong #EmbraceYou #NationalSuicidePreventionWeek #Selflove

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Just face it like a warrior!!

It’s often in our darkest moments, those moments when you are the giver or the taker. That moment you know you can not stand to watch the down fall of someone you admire. Someone you cherish, or someone you want to be there for. But you also know outcomes are positive and negative in their reinforcement for those involved. To the complex world of our human behavior we thrust our hearts,minds, and often our souls only to realize the learning curve of good mental health! To all of you who are in this amazing group titled DepressionSavingOurselves I say let’s just punch that pain away, take today by the freakin hand and yell “It’s my way, It’s this way, I am of great worth to so many. You will not break me today, tomorrow, matter of fact NEVER!” But know as I can tell you I know all to well, is that this needs to be at the most darkest of moments. And with that I tell you PUNCH on and know I love and care for everyone of you, of all who search for a hand. I try as do we all to be true in this group for the hope of saving OURSELVES and I am here to help you do that the best I can!!!! May we all last the ten rounds. May you all be happy and amazing ALWAYS!!!! #BipolarDepression #ChronicDepression #MentalHealth #MensMentalHealth #ChronicIllness #BeStrong #EmbraceYou #NationalSuicidePreventionWeek #Selflove


Believe in yourself!

Shout out to all the people going through some mess,But still getting up everyday trying to be positive. I'M proud of you. Stay strong. Don't give up. Get up off the butt and do whatever needs to be done. You can do it. #bepositive #BeStrong #KeepTrying Have faith, Belive in #Hope If you have no hope, what do you have? #TheMighty #MightyTogether #Depression #Faith #god


Part of my story. ! #BeStrong #behappy

I never said anything about my mental health. My Depression & anxiety. The reasons was because i thought it made me "Crazy" and meant i would be locked away in the hospital . I was scared of what people may think of me. That is the reason i never said anything. I thought it would just simply go away. The loss of someone close. That doesn't help. Then covid and lock downs. Yes Having dark thoughts. Thank goodness i never acted on them #Depression most could have one time.#Sadness #Anxiety #Fear #MentalHealth

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#YouBelong #BeStrong #havehope

To whoever needs to see this today, it is my sincere wish to you. Know that you are braver than you belive, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. 💜