postpartum OCD

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Anyone and Everyone!! #Depression #Anxiety #PostpartumOCD

I hope everyone who has a wonderful day and keeps fighting the fight! May today and future days be easier for you than the past! we are all in this together and remember you are loved ♥️


finally some hope #PostpartumDepression #Anxiety #PostpartumOCD

I’ve been suffering from post partum depression/major anxiety and OCD. I was diagnosed at a young age with bi polar, depression, borderline personality disorder and anxiety. As I got older it seemed that I was growing out of it and then after having my second child 5 months ago it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was so ashamed that I hid it from my fiancé for 2 months and suffered in silence, because I’m a mother I thought I had to be happy 24/7 and strong and here I was feeling weak. I love my new baby so much but just didn’t feel myself after he was born. I nurtured and loved him and then cried behind closed doors. I finally decided I could no longer live this way and was determined to enjoy my life! I mean here I was with a two sons a wonderful fiancé and a nursing student. I am not taking Celexa and Klonopin and I am starting to feel a bit more like myself each day, I have been on Klonopin for months but the Celexa was just added and seems to make the days so much more enjoyable. Finally a feeling of well being. I hope for any mother’s out their or anyone suffering that you will also find your light at the end of the tunnel. Hold on to hope we will fight this fight together!

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Unlucky Charm #PostpartumPtsd #PostpartumDepression #PostpartumOCD

Everything is braking and going just wrong for the last two months. I feel like it’s my fault. Like I’m an unlucky charm to my husband and a terrible mom to my two boys (6yr and 5mo). I just can’t catch a break to even try to heal and be happy again. I want to be so bad.