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Intrusive thoughts and compulsions.

I’m a bit out of practice with how to not do compulsions when being invaded by egodystonic intrusive thoughts. My psychologist and psychiatrist have both confirmed that the intrusive thoughts are the opposite of who I am (egodystonic), and is NOT me at all whatsoever. What the intrusive thoughts try to do is impersonate me by using words such as “I”, “me”, etc. to make it sound as if it’s first person even thought it’s not, it’s an egodystonic intrusive thought being very tricky and manipulative. Does anyone have any strategies of how to refrain from doing compulsions? #IntrusiveThoughts #Intrusiveimages #Intrusive #Anxiety .


fractals of sanity
Overlapping between the cacophony of incessant chorus of self loathing and depression.

A diseased riddled mind popping pills
and flood the wires of chemical compound happiness
Zombified and caffeine addled shell of a human.

Depression is a parasite and you are its host.
It creeps into your mind taking hold,
nicotine stained fingers reach for another cigarette to quell the void just to feel

something and for a moment the brain is satisfied.

Sleeping in dirty dark caverns that once resembled your living space, too tired to clean
A weeks worth of garbage and dirty clothes are your new carpet.

Tear stained cheeks is the latest foundation, and snot nose is the latest pimple creme.
The littlest things trip an emotional roller coaster that you just can’t stop.

Food is your enemy eating becomes a chore and food begins to taste like cardboard with salt and pepper...

We’ve all been depressed...but what if you’re locked in a permanent prison with your own insanity?
#mightypoetry #Depression #IntrusiveThoughts #Intrusiveimages #foodhoard


Does anybody else have intrusive images and thoughts?

I can only assume that’s what this is. I know a lot of people get intrusive thoughts like “throw yourself over the cliff” but this is a bit different. I get the thought but a picture or even a video or gif comes with the thought so instead of just thinking it, I see it too. I see myself doing whatever the intrusive thought says. Anyone else experience this? It’s weird and can be frightening at times. #Intrusiveimages #IntrusiveThoughts #ObsessiveCompulsivePersonalityDisorder

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