Dealing with medical issues
Last year 25th of Feb I was in for an emergency toxic megacolon opp already in septic shock, total colectomy was done. In Aug last year dr. did a hartman reversal ( small intestine link to rectum)
Feeling much better but scared of getting sick again because I was a whole month in hospital.
Dec 2022 I was diagnose with CIDP ( chronic inflammation demylation polyneuropathy). On treatment IVIG every 6 weeks.
This year 18th of Nov my Neurologist diagnose me with PI ( primary immunodeficiency). What I life chancing experience. Now I must get IVIG every 4 weeks for the rest of my life.
Still learning new thing everyday.
I am 45 years of age.
But my parents do not understand what am I going through and do not understand the new choices I must make to stay healthy.
Difficult to except new changes and choices.
And I am dealing with mental health issues aswell because of my medical issues.
So my dad's opinion is the dr's does not do their jobs, but he do not understand what I was dealing with.
So I am depressed and anxious and struggle to cope and have PTSD aswell.
I know their are people with a lot more on their plate.
But I feel so alone in all of this.