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#Cat for #Christmas

Well, didn't work out with the shelter my friend & I went to a little over a week ago. As I posted earlier, they tore out my broken heart. #good thing is, another friend & I are working on an alternative means of adopting from a different, more considerate #Shelter , where we will have a much better chance of my bringing home my new #Furbaby . Here's putting #Hope into my #wish & that it will work out #wonderfully . 🙏

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Housing Struggles

So many of my difficulties with life stem from not having a stable housing situation. I have a mountain of student loan debt, which had made securing a housing loan virtually impossible, and I have moved 10 times in the past 10 years. If I could just have a stable place to live, my life would be so much easier.

I don't have difficulty getting a job. I make decent money, but not great. But I have to live on the Cape to help my mother, and the housing situation here is bonkers. I am on every housing assistance list, but the wait is 5 years. Renting is a nightmare, cost is at a minimum $1500/month, and that is not even for a nice place. And if you do rent, you're simply treading water, unable to save anything.

I'm currently living in my mother's basement, and losing my mind. My mother has hoarding disorder btw, and it's a very unpalatable place to live.

I have a robust support system: counselor, nurse practitioner, social service worker to assist with state assistance programs, life coach, lots of friends and family. I take my meds religiously. I am very healthy and do yoga and other breathing exercises daily. I have hobbies, singing, theater, saxophone, writing etc.

But none of that is the issue. It's the lack of stable housing.

Can anyone else relate?

I guess I just get frustrated because I've learned how to manage my mood disorder fairly well, but my skills can't overcome the challenges that come with having an unstable and uncontrollable living situation.

Thanks for reading. #Housing #sanctuary #Shelter

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#Shelter in Place

# I am pleased that the schools my five grandchildren attend have closed and Steve continuing classes online ( four in college, one in high school) in 4 states : MD, CA, TX, WA(their homes are in CA and WA)