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Support group tea party

I think of a support system a bit like a tea party. Everyone's gathered around the table of friendship. The goal is to share in merriment; food, drinks, and pleasant conversation. But, every so often, someone spills the tea. If you're surrounded by a good support system, everyone pitches in by grabbing napkins and moving things out of the way. Together, they clean up the mess the best they can so that merriment can continue. If you're surrounded by a bad support system, they shout at you for spilling the tea and ruining the food or they laugh at you for getting it on your clothes and make fun of you while you clean up the mess entirely alone.

I lost a lot of friends when I went through my nervous breakdown and you know what... My circle is smaller, but I love it even more now. I feel so much more connected with the few I chose to confide in.

Talk to your friends, people, and about deep and meaningful things. I spent too much time on the surface level, thinking it was inappropriate or burdensome to talk about most things even though I never minded hearing it from others. 🖤

#MentalHealth #TeaParty #supportsystem

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More Twinning's Tea anyone! #JustforMary #TwinningTea

A carry on from Tea Chat from yesterday

Oh we talk about just about anything on here dont we 😁😁😁🤣

This is My Twinning's Tea at the moment Mary.
No normal black tea just special teas. But my the buttermint is lush. 😋😋😋😋😋 its peppermint but tastes like toffee.

Enjoy your day

Love hugs and kisses Tj

Cheers enjoy your Tipple of Tea

#tea #coffee #Tipple #Chatspace #Talkingchatting #Joininwithus #Becomingfriends #Ventorrant #Bekind #compassion #dontjudgewhatyoucantsee #loveyourselves #Tj #checkonyourneighbours #lovingkindness #HavingaChat #SpaceForYou #TeaOrCoffee #TeaParty #TwinningsTea