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Superpowers #Chatspace

Good Morning Chatties

How are you today?

So if you had a Super Power what Would it Be and Why.

If I had a Super Power I think I'd like to be able To fly. Cos walking sure does hurt.
So flying would be easier and way cool. Save on petrol too 🚘🚀😅

Show me your superpowers and why?

Love n hugs Tj ❤😘🤗 😀🙃🙄💪☀️🤛🌞
#SuperPowers #NeverAlone #MightyTogether #Love #Hugs #Bekind #checkonyourneighbours #Chatties #Vent #rant #talkingtherapy #SpaceForYou #Loveyourselffirst #Tj #BeYourself #Chatting

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You are Amazing #CheckInWithMe #Chatspace #Chatties

Good Morning Chatties

Hi you Amazing Mighties

Regardless how you are feeling remember you are Amazing
I just wanted to remind you all that to me and everyone else on the Mighty you are Amazing.

You are what makes the Mighty community what it is.


So how are you today?

Apart from amazing and awesome


#Chatspace #Talking #rant #Vent #SpaceForYou #Bekind #nojudgement #NeverAlone #MightyTogether #Amazing #awesome #Family #Community #Friends #Chatties #Lovenhugs #Talkingistherapy

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Morning Giggles #Chatspace #laughterisgoodmedicine


Good Morning

Laughing is good for us and I needed to laugh this morning.
So I though you might like to as well.

Have a good day my chatties friends
Love n hugs Tj

#Laugh #LaughOutLoud #Giggles #giggleswithafriend
#Love #Hugs #checkonyourneighbours #Chatorvent #SpaceForYou #Bekind #WorldMentalHealthWeek #Chatties #Kindness #loveyourself #Theme

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Sundays cake #neighbours #Friends #VictoriaSponge

Today's little Cake I made for my neighbour

Not so little 😅

The reason there is icing piped onto the top is to hide the slight
Mishap that it collapsed in the middle.
Why I have no idea.

But I did count wrong and put one to many eggs in it.

Didnt drink enough coffee before making it this morning ☕☕☕☕
Must wake up more before baking next time.

What you guys been up too!??
Any mishaps like mine.

I'm now collapses on sofa by the way with puppies but I do want more coffee ☕🤔😅
So do need to move oh
And tidy kitchen up. Looks
Like monkeys have been in it. 🐒🐵 playing .
Brighten my day
And tell me what you are up to
While I recoup my energy
Love n hugs Tj 🤗💞😘😋😋☕☕🍰🐕🐈🐱🐶🐾 #Cake #coffee #Fun #Talking #baking #Weekends #Kitchendisaterszones #baking #Bakingfun #Chatspace #Ventortalk #SpaceForYou

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Morning Chatties #Chatspace #CheckInWithMe

Hello there guys

How are you today. Are you full of beans aka full of energy
Or like me couldn't lift a can of beans

I've woken up with no get up and go. It got up and went 🤣🤣🤣
Where it went I'd love to know, answers on a postcard please. 😁

So how are you guys today !
What is annoying 😡 you or making you smile 😁
Remember ChatSpace is for you.
If you want to you can put your own New Thought post up or you can comment on my post below.
This space is for you.

Love n hugs Tj

#Nojudgemnent #Justlove #Chatspace #SpaceForYou #compassion #Vent #rant #Chat #Talk #Gettingtoknoweachother #Energy #Bekind #Kindness #checkonyourneighbours #Selflove #Lovingyourself #sleeping #Friends #Newfriends

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Good Morning Chatties #ItsWednesdayIthink #Maybe?

Pedro is wagging his tail to say Hi
It is going like mad but you cant see it 🐾🐶 shame I cant show a video

So how are you today? What have you been doing to keep yourself busy? Have you been working or out in the garden. Maybe you have been baking or doing a hobbyist of some sort and you can share with us in ChatSpace what you do!!!

Me I've been laying on the sofa doing nothing!!!! Literally nothing.
Ha ha
Reserving my strength for a mammoth cupcakes making session tomo for VE day and a neighbours on Friday.

It is a national Bank holiday on Friday and my little community are having a Social distancing street party of sorts.

To celebrate a birthday and VE day. Victory in Europe 75th anniversary.

So I'm making 48 cupcakes and piping icing tomo. 🧁🧁🧁🧁

So tell me what you are doing.

Love n hugs Tj
Pepper says 'oof too 🐾🐶❤🤗😁😅😋😃🙋‍♀️😏
#Chatspace #Talking #venting #SpaceForYou #Bekind #loveyourself #checkonyourneighbours #Kindness #Lovenhugs #nojudgement #Rantaway #PedronPepper #DogsRbest #baking #hobbies #keepingbusy #JustChatting #SocialDistancingStreetParty #VEday #75thAnniversary

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More Twinning's Tea anyone! #JustforMary #TwinningTea

A carry on from Tea Chat from yesterday

Oh we talk about just about anything on here dont we 😁😁😁🤣

This is My Twinning's Tea at the moment Mary.
No normal black tea just special teas. But my the buttermint is lush. 😋😋😋😋😋 its peppermint but tastes like toffee.

Enjoy your day

Love hugs and kisses Tj

Cheers enjoy your Tipple of Tea

#tea #coffee #Tipple #Chatspace #Talkingchatting #Joininwithus #Becomingfriends #Ventorrant #Bekind #compassion #dontjudgewhatyoucantsee #loveyourselves #Tj #checkonyourneighbours #lovingkindness #HavingaChat #SpaceForYou #TeaOrCoffee #TeaParty #TwinningsTea