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Superpowers #Chatspace

Good Morning Chatties

How are you today?

So if you had a Super Power what Would it Be and Why.

If I had a Super Power I think I'd like to be able To fly. Cos walking sure does hurt.
So flying would be easier and way cool. Save on petrol too 🚘🚀😅

Show me your superpowers and why?

Love n hugs Tj ❤😘🤗 😀🙃🙄💪☀️🤛🌞
#SuperPowers #NeverAlone #MightyTogether #Love #Hugs #Bekind #checkonyourneighbours #Chatties #Vent #rant #talkingtherapy #SpaceForYou #Loveyourselffirst #Tj #BeYourself #Chatting

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I'm Back have you missed me #CheckInWithMe

Hello everyone

I have been missing a while but I am finally back


So tell me everything that I have missed while I was away from the Mighty.................

My App was broken but the wonderful Mighty Tech Team have me back up and running today. Aren't they wonderful 🙏💞😘
I have been very lonely without you lot

So tell me what I've missed with you in the ages I've been gone

Love n hugs n kisses Tj 💞😘🤪❤🤗😁😀 #Hugs #Kisses #checkonyourneighbours #Love #ImBack #Tj #missing #RareDisease #Anxiety #PanicAttack #PsoriaticArthritis #ClusterHeadaches #TrigeminalNeuralgia #GlossopharyngealNeuralgia #Family #Friends

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Morning ChatSpace #coffee #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe

Oh no its Monday again

Good Morning Mighty Chatties

This is your post today to let your hair down and have your say with what is up with you.
What's been Getting you down or making you mad these passed few days or weeks.

Have a rant or vent . Let it out
They say its better out than in.

If you are doing ok tell us about that too. Tell us about what is going good.🙃 We want to know what is going on with you in your lives.
If you having posted in ChatSpace before introduce yourself to us. So we can say Hi 🖐

As always ChatSpace is for you.
It is your space. You asked for this group to chat in to get to know each other and chat about anything other than health.

Love n hugs Tj
#Bekind #Lovenhugs #NoJudgment #checkonyourneighbours #Chatspace #compassion #Selfcare #PeppernPedro #Tj #loveyourself

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More Twinning's Tea anyone! #JustforMary #TwinningTea

A carry on from Tea Chat from yesterday

Oh we talk about just about anything on here dont we 😁😁😁🤣

This is My Twinning's Tea at the moment Mary.
No normal black tea just special teas. But my the buttermint is lush. 😋😋😋😋😋 its peppermint but tastes like toffee.

Enjoy your day

Love hugs and kisses Tj

Cheers enjoy your Tipple of Tea

#tea #coffee #Tipple #Chatspace #Talkingchatting #Joininwithus #Becomingfriends #Ventorrant #Bekind #compassion #dontjudgewhatyoucantsee #loveyourselves #Tj #checkonyourneighbours #lovingkindness #HavingaChat #SpaceForYou #TeaOrCoffee #TeaParty #TwinningsTea

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Keeping Busy This Week Baking #Chatspace #baking #Distractions

Morning Guys & Gals

How are you today?

As you can see from my pic, this is what I've been baking this week. As few carrot cakes with cream cheese icing; some cheese scones and a fruit loaf done in my bread oven. No I wouldn't have the energy or hands to do all that kneading.🤨🥵

I grated all those carrots and that was enough for a three hour rest on the sofa 🤣😂.

So what are you doing to keep you busy? What are your distractions.?
You've met my 2 pups Pepper and Pedro.
So along with my baking, which I do to give out to my neighbours. Which they gobble up.😋😋😋😋❤.
What are you up too??
Show us what you are up too
If you want to in your own post or post your comments below and let's have a chat.

Much love Tj 😘😋❤🖐🥕🍰💞😽💖🧐🤓😉😁🐕🐶🐈🐱🐾🐾🍞☕🎂🍪🍩
#CheckInWithMe #baking #livelife #Love #Hugs #Bekind #checkonyourneighbours #Chatting #Ventaway #Kindness #hobbies #Pets #Tj #Stayinghome #Stayingsafeathome #NeverAlone #Beingalonetogether #

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You Are A Treasure #Chatspace #Goodmorning #DistractMe

Good Morning

You are not replaceable

Nor are you able to be


You are a treasure that is one of

a kind 💖

Just a reminder that you are all unique special a treasure and loved by many.

Why? Because that's who I am. I am a very loving caring person, tactile, and I tell people that I care about that I love them.
You are my Mighty family and as such I care about you.
We are here to support each other and have a good old chin wag at the same time.

Love n hugs big old hugs Tj 💖🤗🤪☺️😄😃😁☺️😝😎🤨🙃🤪😳

#Chatspace #checkonyourneighbours #chinwag #lovingkindness #unique #Treasure #Love #Hugs #peace #Bekind #Bekindtoyourself #loving #Talking #Vent #rant #cry #why #Tj #Notreplaceable

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Pepper and Pedro Saying hello #Puppies #morning

Morning guys and gals

Thought I'd introduce you to my 2 furry buddies.

These 2 furry faced thugs are my llasho apso pups. ....
Pepper is my little 4 year old black rescue pup he was 9 months when I got him from the breeder. He was dumped back hers on the doorstep by the person who bought him with no explanation as to why.
I went and got him 3 months later. She wanted to make sure the next person who took him on knew how to look after a llasho apso. I did. They are very lively little bundles of fluff they like being very mouthy and are full of their own self importance. 😁🤣😎🤔

So 12 weeks later I realised Pepper needed a brother to play with because my hands and fingers were getting a battering.
Along came Pedro a real fluff ball he has a bit of Poodle in him. Hence he gets a bit curly when wet. Looks too cute.🥰

So I'd like you guys to fill ChatSpace with your own posts with your furry friends or your birds or what ever pets you have. You'll have to do your own post and add it to our group.
Tell us all about your pets please so we can get to know them and comment.

#Chatspace #Pets #Dogs #Cats #Tribes #Family #Love #Chatting #Talking #venting #NeverAlone #Someonetolisten #Alwaystogether #Tj #Llashoapso #Animals #therapyanimals #talkingtherapy #lovingmyselfagain

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Hiya #Chatspace #CheckInWithMe

I thought a Friendly happy smiling flowering Dog might Cheer you up today

It sure made me smile this morning when I saw it 😁

Its persistently raining outside which is much needed here in the UK after a month of sunshine🌞🌞🌞🌧🌧

#Hugs #Love #checkonyourneighbours #Bekind #checkin #loveyourselves #Kindness #Talking #Chatting #lovingkindness #good morning #BeYourself #NeverAlone #Alwaystogether #Tj #MightyTogether #Anxiety

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Pain Patch #ChronicPain #TrigeminalNeuralgia #ChronicIllness

My wonderful Doctor gave me a prescription of lidocaine patches. Which normally in the UK I would have to go to a pain specialist to get, as they are very expensive.

But on friday when I spoke to him and explained how much pain I'm in, he upped my normal medication and prescribed the patches as well.
As I'm nearly as the top end of the epileptic meds I take for the facial pain. The other med I take is already quite high and was only upped in october, so we are both reluctant to up that one.

I tried the patch on a small place first to make sure I wasnt allergic and I was fine. It's rather strange Wearing it as all of a sudden I can not feel that part of my face and I want to touch it. It feels like the patch has fallen off. Which of cause it hasn't 😁.

I can still feel the pain but it is blooming marvellous fanbloodytastic. Over the blooming moon.

I've had this dam disease since 2017 tried some many different epileptic meds to stop the nerves firing off in my brain,sending out pain signals that are excruciating on both sides of my head and face.😫

Shame I cant wear it on the top of my skull. But I dont want to shave my hair off. No no no
I'll have to live with the hammering inside my skull when that sets off 🥴🥴🥴🥴

Tomo I might try to cut in into shape to fit up to my eye. But I'm taking it slowly to make sure I dont show any allergic reaction first.

Thankyou my wonderful Doctor. 💓❤💓❤💓❤💓❤💓❤💓❤💓❤💓❤💓❤💓

#RareDisease #MedicalZebra #Zebra #lovinglife #Painwarriors #Love #Hugs #Anxiety #PanicAttack #PanicDisorder #stayingstrong #Tj #checkonyourneighbours #Positivity #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #gome #Doctors #NHS #Greatnhs #Lidocainepatch