First post
Hey, I joined the mighty app a few months ago. I have found it really helpful and is the only platform that I see as a safe space. Nonetheless, I am still consumed by anxiety when I think about or try to post. I have OCD and I overthink and over analyze just about everything. Everything I do has to live up to these extremely unrealistic expectations that I set for myself and only myself. So, something as simple as posting sends my mind into a frenzy and the dominos begin to fall. Anxiety ->perfectionism->obsession-> failure to meet expectations -> panic -> crippled by panic -> *crash* and I give up. Then I walk away and begin the endless cycle of avoidance, procrastination, resentment and guilt.
It’s a lose lose situation. Trying to post makes me uncomfortable and not posting makes me uncomfortable.
Even writing about how uncomfortable I am about this makes me uncomfortable hahaha.
But that’s okay. Being uncomfortable is a part of life and today I’m choosing to fight through it.
And guess what? I did it and I’m so damn proud of myself!
Sending love and a big hug to anyone who could use one.
Happy Holidays!
#Anxiety #PanicDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Unrealisticexpectations #perfectionism #Avoidance #Procrastination #resentment #Guilt #Uncomfortable #proud #Accomplishments #firstpost #progress #MentalHealth