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Just joined “The Mighty” today. I have Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Pancreatitis (With chronic pain) and diabetes secondary to chronic pancreatitis. (And a host of other diagnoses… but those are the big ones. I am a medically retired nurse. I struggle with chronic pain, fatigue, muscle spasms, nutritional deficiency, migraines. Not being able to work has really impacted our financial stability and my sense of self esteem. I fight loneliness and isolation. My husband works 50+ hours a week (As he is our source of medical insurance and primary “Bread winner”). I have 2 adult sons who have their careers and social life. All our family is out of state. I hope to connect with other people who know what living with chronic illnesses is like. I also look forward to others pearls of wisdom. # multiple sclerosis #chronic pancreatitis #Diabetes #chronic pain #Fatigue

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Thomas suggested I share an update with the group, so here it goes.

I cut myself the other day. That didn't feel great emotionally...I broke a promise. I also don't like taking up space in the ER for something I did to myself. I asked my psychiatrist to admit me, but he didn't want to because of an incident that happened last time I was admitted. So he was trying to protect me from something similar happening again. He did give me additional time with him. We are switching medications around, and I'm starting to feel a bit better. I am still suicidal, but I've scratched my plan. Feeling good about the medication change, but it has the side effect of potentially contributing to my recurrent acute pancreatitis. I would definitely take pancreatitis over that amount of anxiety though. The medication I was taking was increasing my anxiety, and making me restless. I felt like I couldn't stop pacing. I really value this community. I'm sorry if I don't respond to messages in a timely fashion...but I will respond.

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Makdogz459. I'm here because I want to share my story as time goes on. I have Diabetes Type 2, Pancreatitis and NASH or Steatohepatitis if you like.

#MightyTogether #Diabetes

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Ode To My Grandfather #Old #MentalHealth #Dementia #BasalCellCarcinoma #ADHD

My Grandfather was born in New Brunswick Canada in 1924 of Irish/Scottish/English heritage. He will turn 100 years old in November.
My Grandfather is the sweetest man I have ever known. Selfless, giving, caring of others…a gentle and quiet spirit.
I saw him yesterday at his retirement home. He lived with us until the age of 97 and was in decent health…although he has had basal cell carcinoma on his head and nose from the year I was born (for 35 years.)
A bout of pancreatitis sent him to the hospital and his health (and mind) rapidly declined in 2022.
Now, he is bedridden and almost deaf…his skin cancer has become severe and he seems to have dementia although he has not been diagnosed.
I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy, being 100 is not the pretty picture you see in the news. It’s ugly and sad…and if I think too long on it I get depressed because this fate has come to the most honourable of men. My Papa did not deserve this.

Let me tell you who he used to be:
A young man married with 2 children. The eldest a boy and a girl (who is my Mom.) He worked as a repairman at GM and stayed there 30 odd years retiring early due to his wife’s health. My Nana had Addison’s disease since her 30’s.
During all of this he diligently served his local Adventist Church as head elder for many years.
His hobbies included leather work/stained glass and gardening. Despite the fact that he suffered from digital tremor for much of his senior life.
He was the male influence in my life as my own father was largely absent. Even to this day in his confused state he tells my Mom that his “daughter” came to visit…while asking me who my Mom is. He has never once seen my face and not known me…

I love my Papa! If sanctification can be seen completed in the character of a human being it would be seen in him. The lovely character of Christ still shines even through all of his pain and all the deaths of loved ones including his own son…in his confusion he is as sweet and as polite as he’s always been. Never a vulgar or harsh word spoken.
He was and is my inspiration to continue in the faith…no we are never perfect in this life but we can try our hardest to live a good Christian one.

I wrote this because I don’t want the world to forget my Papa. Yes, he was/is your ordinary hard working man…but he was/is extraordinary to me.

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is NGlucina111. I'm here because I have chronic necrotizing pancreatitis,inertia hernia in my groin ( which honestly is almost more painful than CP) one kidney and a decent variety of other issues!!

#MightyTogether #ChronicPancreatitis

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Need a big distraction

Next Tuesday I am going to have three procedures which will be very invasive. I will have to start preparing for them Monday morning and it's going to be miserable. I won't get much sleep that night either. I have been dealing with pancreatitis, pain, and nausea for four months and so far, all of the tests I've had offer no explanation. So...they want me to do this.

I am totally torn apart about this. I've felt like a toddler, stomping my feet, and whining, "I don't wanna do this!" I have experienced trauma in the past and everything that's been happening has been triggering my PTSD something awful. There is nothing I can do about it this weekend so I need some major distraction. Lately, I've mainly been crocheting, trying to sew (I'm a novice), and finding good TV to watch. I don't know if that's going to be enough. I'm just looking for suggestions for distraction. Anyone have some ideas for me? Thanks.

#PTSD #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Anxiety #DistractMe #CheckInWithMe

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My anxiety struggle

Have had anxiety since I was 12 following a family loss. Then went to counseling at 16 for a family business taking too long to startup. Landed in the hospital in 2020 with pancreatitis and ecoli, I spent a month in there with no one able to visit me, then landed back in the hospital in 2021 for gallbladder surgery. Iam a happy guy, healthy, 27 years old, I just wish this anxiety and panic attacks will go away. Currently looking for a therapist but hard to find. I appreciate everyone in this group to review my past life problems, I’m not here for sympathy, I know this is just another chapter in my book but I just wish it was different. I would give anything for a day without shortness of breath or my throat feeling like it’s closing. Thank you all for listening.

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Having a hard time

Two months ago I was struck down by a severe case of pancreatitis. My Thanksgiving dinner in the hospital was toast and jello. Just before Christmas I had surgery to remove my gallbladder. During all of this, I have experienced an overwhelming amount of pain. I already had an issue with it, but it seems all the pain medication has caused another problem which continues to create a great deal of pain.

I am dealing with this horribly on an emotional and mental level. I feel so much shame and blame myself, believing that I brought it all on myself. I continue to punish myself and have no self-compassion whatsoever. I am even pushing my therapist away, choosing to make myself continue to suffer.

After a day rife with suicidal thoughts, self-loathing, and shame, I was finally able to journal a little last night and see how much worse I'm making this for myself. I sent a message to my therapist late last night, finally admitting some of what I'm experiencing. I'm so afraid I have frustrated him to the point that he won't even read my message (he usually reads them quite early in the morning and he hasn't yet - which just makes me feel worse about myself).

I'm afraid if I have another day like yesterday, I will act on my self-harm thoughts, being weighed down by the enormity of it all. I don't know how to keep coping.


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Happy New Year

Ive been living with depression since a young age. Pancreatitis for a decade, and recently was diagnosed with PTSD and a new auto immune disease - vascultis. Eff me right? 😅🤦🏼‍♀️

Just looking to meet like-lifed people who understand chronic illnesses (physical and mental) 🙂 - y’a know, just cause we ‘don’t look sick’ doesn’t mean we aren’t fighting serious battles right?🙋🏼‍♀️

All the best in 2024! Hope to meet some of you soon 😘💁🏼‍♀️

#ChronicIllness #PTSD #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicPancreatitis #Vasculitis #MentalHealth

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I've been having such a hard time the last month and a half. I'd already been dealing with a months-long bout of worsened depression and then I started November with COVID, a bacterial infection, and was eventually hospitalized with severe pancreatitis. I'm still dealing with pain from the latter and I will have surgery next week to have my gallbladder removed.

In amongst all of this, I've been dealing with intense triggers that have made it difficult to function. And of course, there's Christmas (thank goodness for online shopping). Yesterday I was so determined to deep clean my living room and vacuum, I'm still paying for it with pain this morning.

But...I did sleep okay last night and, despite some pain, I really want to have a good day. I NEED to have a good day. Everything that's been going on has depleted my mental and emotional energy stores. I was able to cope fairly well yesterday but I still had to expel a lot of energy. I need a day that will bring me even the smallest amount of peace without so many roadblocks.

My affirmation for today is "Own your awesome." I'm going to try to have a good day. Use positive self-talk (attempt to anyway), try to be mindful in what I do, and practice self-care (which is difficult for me). So, here goes...

#PTSD #ptsdtriggers #physicalillness #Mindfulness #Selfcare

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