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Ugh… today was going so well… #BorderlinePersonalityDisorderBPD #BPD #Depression

Today was going so well until my wife and I spent some time together. Ever since I was committed for a suicidal thoughts, when I got out my wife’s attitude towards me has not been the same. This is also when I was diagnosed with BPD. I always knew I had dysthymia, but my diagnosis was always lacking something and this fit it. I don’t think my wife is willing to emotionally provide support anymore and it hurts and just feeds the BPD. 😓

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is jjefferson13. Been dealing with a lot of my issues for the majority of my life but recently been given an official diagnosis for BPD. I’m not having to difficult of a time accepting the diagnosis as acceptance is not something I generally struggle with any longer; however I do feel like my life is falling apart because of the things I’ve done and how I have treated others. I’m trying really hard to practice the DBT skills I’ve been reading about but I feel like I’m currently doing this on my own as my wife seems to be abandoning me (and rightfully so after all I have put her through) and my new therapist hasn’t had a chance to meet with me yet. I guess at this moment I’m just looking for some connections. Someone who can relate. Thanks.

#MightyTogether #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Migraine #ADHD #OCD #Dysthymia #SocialAnxiety #Anxiety #Osteoarthritis #Alcoholism

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is jjefferson13. Been dealing with a lot of my issues for the majority of my life but recently been given an official diagnosis for BPD. I’m not having to difficult of a time accepting the diagnosis as acceptance is not something I generally struggle with any longer; however I do feel like my life is falling apart because of the things I’ve done and how I have treated others. I’m trying really hard to practice the DBT skills I’ve been reading about but I feel like I’m currently doing this on my own as my wife seems to be abandoning me (and rightfully so after all I have put her through) and my new therapist hasn’t had a chance to meet with me yet. I guess at this moment I’m just looking for some connections. Someone who can relate. Thanks.

#MightyTogether #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Migraine #ADHD #OCD #Dysthymia #SocialAnxiety #Anxiety #Osteoarthritis #Alcoholism

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There's so much *blah*

Hello mighty. It's been tough for a long time. There's so much in my life I am grateful for, but I keep lacking that spark, that joy for living. It feels comfortable to be depressed... I know it, it's familiar, but I... I want to be balanced. I also want to experience what it's is to live in my power. I want peace. I want to feel connected to that greater being. I want to revel in my purpose. I'm not a religious person, but I just keep wondering what's this all for?#anhedonia #Doubledepression #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder

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One of those days.

Well, one of those days it just feels like your battery is on 0%. I woke normaly, but as the day went on i increasingly felt so bad. Like my head weights a ton, and my suicidal toughts came worse. My therapist said i might have dysthymia, and the symptons really match my behavior. I relapsed with my self harm again, and i am upset at myself because of this. I just feel like i am done, like i can't take feeling like this anymore. And the worst part is that nothing happened at all. I just got into this mood suddenly and i feel so tired. I don't want to die at all but i feel like i will always feel miserable. And my insistence on not wanting to heal is the worse. I just needed to vent on how i feel today, since i can never speak with my therapist about this, even if its her job, i just can't talk about this even if i want to, feels like my throat simply stops working. And school started again, just to get me more and more exausted. In times like this i wish i could just stop existing for a while. I'm. Completely. EXHAUSTED. #Dysthymia

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One of those days.

Well, one of those days it just feels like your battery is on 0%. I woke normaly, but as the day went on i increasingly felt so bad. Like my head weights a ton, and my suicidal toughts came worse. My therapist said i might have dysthymia, and the symptons really match my behavior. I relapsed with my self harm again, and i am upset at myself because of this. I just feel like i am done, like i can't take feeling like this anymore. And the worst part is that nothing happened at all. I just got into this mood suddenly and i feel so tired. I don't want to die at all but i feel like i will always feel miserable. And my insistence on not wanting to heal is the worse. I just needed to vent on how i feel today, since i can never speak with my therapist about this, even if its her job, i just can't talk about this even if i want to, feels like my throat simply stops working. And school started again, just to get me more and more exausted. In times like this i wish i could just stop existing for a while. I'm. Completely. EXHAUSTED. #Dysthymia

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The Fog That Lingers: A Journey Through the Haze of and Substance Use

In the world of mental health and substance use, there exists a phenomenon often whispered about but rarely addressed head-on: brain fog. It's a term that doesn't quite capture the full extent of its impact, yet for those who have waded through its murky waters, it's a reality that's both profound and debilitating.

Imagine waking up each day to a world that's out of focus. Your thoughts, once sharp and coherent, now feel like they're being filtered through a dense mist. This is the world of someone who has battled long-term mental health challenges and substance use. It's a world where the simple act of existing becomes a daily struggle.

Sarah, a 35-year-old woman, knows this world all too well. For years, she grappled with anxiety and depression, finding temporary solace in substances that promised quick relief but delivered long-term consequences. Over time, the clarity of her thoughts diminished. She describes her experience as "living in a dream where everything feels slightly unreal and disconnected."

This brain fog, as Sarah and many others experience, isn't just about forgetfulness or a lack of concentration. It's a comprehensive cognitive disturbance that affects memory, understanding, and even the sense of self. It's like trying to navigate through life with a GPS that's constantly recalibrating, never quite sure #of the destination.

But what causes this fog? Research suggests that prolonged substance use and mental health struggles can lead to changes in the brain, particularly in areas responsible for memory, attention, and decision-making. The brain, in its attempt to cope with the constant stress and chemical alterations, adapts in ways that aren't always beneficial in the long term.

For Sarah, the journey out of th#e fog wasn't quick or easy. It involved therapy, medication, and a steadfast commitment to understanding and addressing her mental health and substance use issues. Gradually, the haze began to lift, revealing a world that was brighter and more tangible.

Recovery, however, isn't a linear process. There are days when the fog rolls back in, obscuring the progress made. But with each day, Sarah learns to navigate these challenges a little better, to recognize the signs of the fog's return and to use the tools she's acquired to disperse it.

The story of brain fog in the context of mental health and substance use is a reminder of the complex interplay between our psychological well-being and our cognitive functions. It highlights the need for holistic approaches in treatment, ones that acknowledge not just the physical symptoms but also the cognitive and emotional landscapes that are so intricately intertwined.

For those walking through this fog, remember: you're not alone, and the haze does lift. With support, understanding, and a commitment to healing, the world can become clear once again.

#Depression #MentalHealth #DepressiveDisorders #BipolarDepression #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #SubstanceUseDisorders #Addiction

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Doc does believe

my next visit he did a shot test and said yes u have ADHD but i want u to go thru 2 more test to prove it once and for all and he said then we can talk about stimulants. well i did those 2 test in 1 day 2hrs each then i get a call they want me to do 1 more test. i many somethin more than meets the eye. i am kinda scared of what else i have. i have Bipolar ADHD, OCD Cluster B personality disorders which are Borderline, Narcissistic (my fav) and Histrionic , Dysthymia (nka) Persistent Depressive Disorder. and under Borderline i can have a nasty temper. alot of people run from me. so i only tell bipolar thats why get my SSDI

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Navigating Hopelessness

Hello, Mighties (-: I am really going through it today. I have been struggling with depression and dissociation for about a week. I’m using my DBT skills and supports to try to get through my work week, but I’m still struggling. I called out today from work because I am just a mess. Anyone have advice/insight/thoughts on navigating responsibilities when it feels impossible? Thanks for the support and I wish you all well! (-: #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #ChronicFatigue #Dysthymia #MentalHealth #Grief

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