assistive technology

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assistive technology
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I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that I found out I'm not getting a grandpad because people stopped ordering them. The good news is that I'm getting an #iPad with #AssistiveTechnology instead.


Quads & Techies, need your help: How do you take pics?

What's your set up? What kind of mounts do you use? Wheelchair user here. I want to post more frequently but lack of content (pics) is a barrier. It feels like I fell behind the technology curve and my skills need updating. Thanks all!

#Multiplesclerosis #AssistiveTechnology #Disabilities #MightyTogether #Wheelchair


Quads & Techies, need your help: How do you take pics?

What's your set up? What kind of mounts do you use? Wheelchair user here. I want to post more frequently but lack of content (pics) is a barrier. It feels like I fell behind the technology curve and my skills need updating. Thanks all!

#Multiplesclerosis #AssistiveTechnology #Disabilities #MightyTogether #Wheelchair


Random life hack

#Autism #Dyspraxia #developmentalcoordinationdisorder #DevelopmentalDyspraxia random life hack suggestion prompted by my needing to add handsoap to my grocery list. (Or mom's if I can talk her into buying it from CostCo).

Liquid soap is SOOOOO much easier to handle than bar soap when you have coordination problems!!! And motor control problems!!! Wish it hadn't taken me until adulthood to discover this! It absolutely falls under the category of #AssistiveTechnology for me! Spent my entire childhood struggling with bar soap, and feeling frustrated, inferior and defective because I couldn't make it work hardly at all. (Along with at least 1000 other reasons).


Accessible inclusion- institutionalized willful blindness

#accessible #Inclusion - what should a disabled employee do when the "right people" in HR and senior management are well aware you are #deafblind, yet are unable to make or understand relevant reasonable accommodations and simply do nothing more than file away emails or make a note of your suggestions while allowing the situation to fester? Why is the #undueburden always placed on the marginalized individual? When does Corporate America actually improve the known knowledge gaps instead of tripling down on #willfulblindness? #AssistiveTechnology #disabilityjustice e


Accessible #accessibility and #Inclusion :

Accessible #Accessibility and #inclusion: One thing I have always had to overcome in career is my low vision. First, I asked for larger monitors and pulled it closer! Then Bigshot,/Zoomtext plugin drives/software! Then discovered Microsoft's fantastic builtin full screen magnification without drag on performance. They continually improve builtin accessibility features! The full screen magnification still needs a "device" with a hard drive, eg laptop, desktop! Easy to implement! Harder to overcome is when HR staff tolerates managers making it difficult to obtain truly accessible trainings or refusing to train me on new procedures because they feel it is too difficult for my vision. #NDEAM #DeafBlind #ADA #AssistiveTechnology y As seen on my Linkedin profile!

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The best #MobilityAids for people like me. Long story ahead

This is my first post on here.. So here it goes it..
I am one of the lucky ones who have a mild case of #CerebralPalsy palsy.. Luckily it doesn't affect me much. However I was browsing the Yahoo home page and I saw #SelmaBlair on the page with this bright yellow device.. I had no idea what it was called.. So a few Google searches later. I quickly realized it was called the Alinker. I then instantly thought wow this is exactly what I need. You see I have #DiabetesType2 on top of cp and I am over weight as well and I struggle to get active having cp.. So after falling head over heels with this #walkingaid as it has no pedals.. I decided that I am going to see how much they cost wow $2200 dollars!!! I then was upset that I could not afford it.. So fastfoward a few weeks later I see a video of this random lady on the Alinker in a parade in a town not far from me. I literally jumped for joy as the #alinker was something very new to the USA so to find someone else who has the same thing as me from a small tiny start up.. So I instantly messaged this random lady who's name is Anna. I told her that I was interested in the Alinker and can I get it out some day?? Well she instantly told me that she was going to be at a #AssistiveTechnology expo and I went there and after seeing it in action.. I said I want this so bad.. Well a few days later I set up a online based #Fundraiser for my #alinker ... As the alinker is a 3 wheel bike and not covered by insurance so my only option was to fundraise. So I ended up fundraising the funds. I got my #alinker in September of last year.. It has made a huge difference in my life.. I have taken it to #AbilitiesExpo where I am in this picture and I even took it #iceskating with it... I have to admit that there is a learning curve of how to use it and I still have not mastered it.. I still have to do a few #adjustments to it like the seat height and https://angle.But the good thing is if you have mild cerebral palsy it's a option or even if you have #MultipleSclerosis or anything that requires you use a wheelchair part of the time.. I have to admit that it's not for every condition.. I am having so much free time with this virus.. I plan on taking it out more. If you want more information to to It truly has changed my life.