Developmental Dyspraxia

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Developmental Dyspraxia
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Dyspraxia Foundation Fundraiser

I am walking 100 miles in February to raise money for Dyspraxia Foundation. Dyspraxia affects 10% of the population, including myself. The dyspraxia foundation have been a great help in the five years I have been with them. I am doing this challenge to ensure that they can keep helping Dyspraxics like myself and raise more awareness.

#Dyspraxia #DevelopmentalDyspraxia

100 miles in February for Dyspraxia Foundation

Help Charis Hawkley raise money to support Dyspraxia Foundation
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Proud of all of us on here! #CheerMeOn #CheckInWithMe #MentalHealth

Hi mighty readers. I noticed one of my articles became quite popular (the one about NVLD— a unique learning disability)! I am proud of myself for this, among many other things.

I am also proud of myself because I graduate my #Trauma based IOP program on Friday! Last 3 days coming up fast!

Hope you are all hanging in there despite your struggles.

Oh and feel free to check out my Instagram @obsessive.but.awesome for more posts like this one! I made the picture above :)
#Depression #Bipolar1Disorder #ADHD #TouretteSyndrome #DevelopmentalDyspraxia #Autism #NonverbalLearningDisability #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #CPTSD #SensoryProcessingDisorder #AuditoryProcessingDisorder #Dyscalculia #Dermatillomania #RestlessLegSyndrome #AnorexiaNervosa #PMDD #Recovery !!!

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Navigators, let’s share some stories! How did you first realize you might be neurodivergent?

I’ll go first… ironically, I became a School Psychologist who evaluated students with learning differences and neurodivergent profiles. In just a few years, I realized my brain worked in similar ways and began questioning the possibility of being neurodivergent myself. It has evolved into a special interest of mine ever since! What’s your story? #wonderingwednesday #MightyQuestions #AskMe #Autism #ADHD #obsessivecompulsive #DevelopmentalDyspraxia #Dyscalculia #Dermatillomania #Anxiety #misseddiagnosis #LateDiagnosis #neurodivergent


Random life hack

#Autism #Dyspraxia #developmentalcoordinationdisorder #DevelopmentalDyspraxia random life hack suggestion prompted by my needing to add handsoap to my grocery list. (Or mom's if I can talk her into buying it from CostCo).

Liquid soap is SOOOOO much easier to handle than bar soap when you have coordination problems!!! And motor control problems!!! Wish it hadn't taken me until adulthood to discover this! It absolutely falls under the category of #AssistiveTechnology for me! Spent my entire childhood struggling with bar soap, and feeling frustrated, inferior and defective because I couldn't make it work hardly at all. (Along with at least 1000 other reasons).