For new folks, I was dumped at the end of June over the phone by someone who I was convinced was my life partner. It was out of nowhere. He has not spoken to me since. He has financial and career struggles. I’ve had severe struggles since the breakup because of the shock it caused. This is why I joined The Mighty.
His texts to my friend yesterday:
“I’m down to be cordial and friends if she wants. Personally I’m not sure she can handle that.”
“I'm very easy going and I don't like to hold grudges, especially toward past partners.”
“I want her to be comfortable and happy.”
“I honestly couldn't hang up the phone and lie to her and tell her I still loved her.”
“I don't think I'm should be at fault for realizing that she wasn't my person and ending things.”
I need help. Is this how someone you were so close with talks about you? Is this normal? Is this as cold as I feel it is? Why is this so hard for me to deal with? Is it just the cold tone of a text? I don’t understand what I’m feeling.
#Grief #breakup #Relationships #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder