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Scared of being in a relationship cause of a heart condition

First off, ever since I had my heart surgery when I was 16 I’ve been scared getting into a relationship because I really don’t know when my heart is going to stop. On top of that I have Klinefelter syndrome which I cannot father a child. Also I’m afraid that I might get cheated on and won’t accept me because of my health conditions.
#aaoca #Relationships #ChronicIllness #CHD #chdwarriors #KlinefelterSyndrome #HeartDefect #CongestiveHeartFailure #chf #heartfailure

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How does the weather affect you? #chdwarriors

Does the cold or the heat affect you? Do you feel like you do less when the weather is in the extremes because of your CHD or heart? What kinds of things do you do to help with that when you are feeling extremely hot or cold.
#Disability #ChronicIllness #CongenitalHeartDefectDisease

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6 facts about CHD

Did you know some of these CHD facts? I was thinking of starting a series of different heart conditions and some facts about them. What would everyone like to see? What is some information you would like to know or would like others to know more about?

#CongenitalHeartDefectDisease #LivingWithPOTS #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #HypoplasticRightHeartSyndrome #HypoplasticLeftHeartSyndrome #TranspositionOfTheGreatArteries #chdwarriors #adultchdwarriors

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Hi! I like to write poetry and especially spoken word poetry because it helps with communicating how I feel. This is a spoken word piece about my depression:

My Depression Writes Me a Letter

I open it.
In it, I note that there are listed 12 reasons to hate myself, and 13 things I am currently doing wrong.
In the letter my depression has written anecdotes about embarrassing moments in my life, and I read them all, slowly, making sure I am embarassed by them.
I feel uncomfortable, but I can’t stop reading. It's like watching a car crash, I can’t look away.
In the letter there are 3 sketches.
They show me in various unflattering poses which only show off my bad features.
So in other words, you can see all my scars, my stretch marks, my stomach, how skinny I am, and how yellow my teeth are.
What you can’t see are my favourite parts of me. My nose, eyes, shoulders, legs, the shape of my jaw, anything I like about my body is not visible.
It is uncomfortable looking at those sketches, but again, I can’t look away. I fixate on them, take them to heart, and only then do I move on.
See, this letter is not to make me hate myself, no.
My depression knows I already hate myself, it just needs to...confirm it every once in a while.
And I don’t actually have issues with my body image. Which may confuse you because I just listed things I hate about my body, but notice how I only listed the parts of my body that have been affected by my illnesses?
I don’t have body image issues, I have body issues.
Its like having daddy issues, but with my body and way more complicated.

I hate my scars because they are a daily reminder painted across my healed body that I am still traumatised. I hate my stretch marks and my stomach and my yellow teeth because they are a physical reminder of how irresponsible I am concerning my health. I hate how skinny I am because it reminds me of my disordered eating habits, even when I’m not eating.

So. My depression writes me a letter. I read it. Because I know what it contains and I know it can’t hurt me anymore than I’ve already hurt myself.

#Depression #Poetry #MightyPoets #CongenitalHeartDefectDisease #chdwarriors

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I wanted to share a bit about my journey with my scar

My scar has always been apart of me. I was born with a congenital heart defect called transposition of the great arteries and I had a mustard procedure to correct it at three days old. I grew up with people asking me about it but I never knew my body any other way.


In high school I had another open heart surgery and with it, a fresh scar for the world to see. Although, at the time I hated the attention and questions I got asked about my scar, I never wanted my scar to disappear. I just wanted people to stop being ignorant. I thought it was weird the way doctors or my parents would suggest how I should put different oils or treatments on it to help with the scaring.


It’s been eight months since my third open heart surgery and I have a new scar to show. My scar is my pride, my battle wound, it’s my story.

#CongenitalHeartDefectDisease #chdwarriors #adultchdwarriors #Disability #ChronicIllness #Scars #ChronicPain

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I wanted to share a bit about my journey with my scar

My scar has always been apart of me. I was born with a congenital heart defect called transposition of the great arteries and I had a mustard procedure to correct it at three days old. I grew up with people asking me about it but I never knew my body any other way.


In high school I had another open heart surgery and with it, a fresh scar for the world to see. Although, at the time I hated the attention and questions I got asked about my scar, I never wanted my scar to disappear. I just wanted people to stop being ignorant. I thought it was weird the way doctors or my parents would suggest how I should put different oils or treatments on it to help with the scaring.


It’s been eight months since my third open heart surgery and I have a fresh scar. Now more then ever show my scar. My scar is my pride, my battle wound, it’s my story.
#CongenitalHeartDefectDisease #Disability #Scars #TranspositionOfTheGreatArteries #chdwarriors #adultchdwarriors #mystory #mightywarriors

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Welcome! Adult CHD Warriors

I’m Amelia! I have Transposition of the Great Arteries with Mustard procedure still in place. I was born in the 80’s when it was still too risky to switch back the arteries. They have now decided as an adult to leave my mustard procedure as it is. I’ve had a total of 7 or so heart surgeries and 3 open heart. I just had my most recent open heart surgery in August.
I myself love to write. I’m a community leader and contributer for The Mighty and run my own blog and instagram page. I also work with high school kids who have disabilities as a paraeducator.

Introduce yourself and tell us a little about your heart journey and a bit about yourself.

#chdwarriors #CongenitalHeartDefectDisease #ChronicIllness #Disability #HeartDisease #adultchd #adultchdwarriors #TranspositionOfTheGreatArteries #HypoplasticRightHeartSyndrome #TetralogyOfFallot #HypoplasticLeftHeartSyndrome #CongenitallyCorrectedTranspositionOfTheGreatArteries #mustardprocedure #senningprocedure #TricuspidAtresia