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Wondering what and why

As I lay here in bed waiting for my dinner to cook, my mind is walking down memory lane. When I consider all the health issues I’ve had and those that became chronic the question of why is nagging at me. Another burning question is why am I still alive?

There was a point when I thought I had had all the illnesses and health issues I should have to deal with. Well, you couldn’t proof it by me! Things just keep happening.

I was thrilled to be able to restart my Simponi Aria Infusions this past Tuesday. It was so painless with my Med-A-Port in place and working. No IV or Lab sticks! I took myself out to dinner and enjoyed a short shopping trip through the Dollar Tree. About the end of the shopping my left foot ulcer started hurting. Normally, it doesn’t bother me. Once home, I decided to change the dressing. What a surprise awaited me. Next stop the Emergency Room. I figured a little debridement, an antibiotic prescription, and home, into me mighty and snuggling with my three furry babies.

One of my girlfriends was covering the ER that night. It was great to see her as she had been off for 8 weeks as she go COVID-19. She told me it was the worse experience of her live. No matter what she did she simply got not breath properly.

In any case, she decided to X-ray my foot just to be sure I didn’t have osteomyelitis in my foot bones. I thought it was over kill but, humored her. Next thing I know and nurse comes in to start an IV and the lab followed right behind. Both were preparing to stick me. I quickly informed them I had a port and there would be no sticking me but they were welcome to use my port. Next the doctor is telling me I had osteomyelitis of my foot. I got admitted to the hospital. I received IV antibiotic one right after the other for 48 hours. Definitely, the timing tight after my infusion that turns off my immune system want’t helpful.

I got home yesterday. I pray my Lord let’s this be the last oomphs. Welcome 2021 to my world. 😷. 🦶🏻 🤪 👨🏼‍⚕️

#RheumatoidArthritis #psa #ChronicIlless #ChornicPain #Crohn ’s Disease #autoimmune Vasculitis #Pressure ulcer # #DiabetesType2

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#DistractMe by Writing a Collaborative Story 📝

It was the end of the day in Glowishworth, a quiet and swampy kingdom, filled with deep secrets, omens, and enchanted crystals. Although invisible to the naked eye, the treasures can only be found by reaching and passing through the island at the gate of the kingdom.
The journey to this island is dangerous and risky, but the only way to reaching Glowishworth. So many attempt to reach the kingdom but never succeeded. That was until Quaria stumbled on the island by mistake...

(Read the latest paragraph posted as a comment below. Help craft this collaborative story by posting the next paragraph in the comment below.) What will Quaria find and will she reach the Glowishworth Kingdom? 🤔

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #Parenting #RareDisease #ChornicPain #ChronicIllness #MightyTogether