Hey y'all! I'm new to the group and site! My name's Robin (they/she) and I'm a cartoonist, storyboard artist and chracater designer! My favorite themes are fantasy, scifi and supernatural and I'm mostly a digital artist! Nice to meet yall!
I have thoughts on how I would like to use my life, but my body is not up for this ride.
To ask anyone here what are your hobbies? I like to watch TV shows, read books and comics, listen to music and I am an aspiring writer and I love names, Inidgneous cultures, the Romani cultures and travel #reader #telephile #nameobsessed #Books #Comics #aspiringwriter #hobbies
If you are in Denver our #actuallyautistic team is doing a panel on autism myth busting and advocacy using pop-culture at the Denver Pop Culture Con 2019. It's a huge deal being invited and their panel is one they've selected where teachers can earn professional development credits. Great conversations happened at last year's panel...hope you can add your voice or come to learn about #AutismAcceptance #Comics - SUNDAY 6/2 at 11 AM in room 711