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Benzoyl substitutes for anxiety

I've been having some issues with the psychiatric medications I'm currently taking that were prescribed by my psychiatrist. For example, lorazepam (Ativan) helps a lot with my anxiety, however, it makes me feel sleepy which is problematic since being alert during the day is important (especially with full-time college coming up soon for me). Then with antipsychotics, I need to take them but they also either seem to just knock me out and/or cause major weight gain (which is also unhelpful minus with my insomnia, but it causes extreme daytime drowsiness and I've also struggled with an eating disorder on and off for the past 11 years, so that can just trigger me to relapse into unhealthy eating habits).

I would ask my psychiatrist personally but he's very quick during appointments and basically just prescribes a pill then sends me on my way.

Anyways, to go back to the lorazepam/ativan issue, I also worry a bit about the addictive quality of that medication due to my addictive personality & tendencies both in the past and present.

But I don't know of a better alternative and I'm tight on money so (since most psychiatric medications are free in Ontario), my best option financially speaking is to take prescription psychiatric medications, since I don't have to pay for them. I'm on ODSP (Ontario long-term disability), so finances are extremely tight/I'm in poverty (note: I'm not being dramatic here, that is a genuine fact and you can look it up yourself if you don't believe me).

Anyways, basically my question is, how can I determine which psychiatric medications I should take when my psychiatrist isn't thorough or even borderline malpractices (and doesn't even give me drug info when giving me new prescriptions), and there's very long waitlists to get a new psychiatrist? Should I just call a pharmacist and see what they'd recommend maybe or should I not because psychiatric medications aren't necessarily their specialty (since that's what psychiatrists specialize in)?

I don't know what to do and I feel like my doctors don't either.

#MentalHealth #treatment #Doctors
#Psychiatry #Psychiatrists #Psychmeds #medications #MentalIllness #comorbidity #ADHD #Insomnia #SideEffects #comorbid #Anxiety #Mania

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What do you do for treatment if you have both #Fibromyalgia and #BipolarDisorder ? #FibromyalgiaDiagnosis

I read that these conditions are commonly #comorbid but the treatment for fibromyalgia can induce rapid cycling/mania for those susceptible to bipolar. I’ve been on two different SSRIs before and both induced rapid cycling mania I’ve otherwise never experienced (bipolar II here).

I want my fibro/chronic pain to feel better, but I’m also terrified of trying out medications that might trigger manic episodes (even if used in conjunction with mood stabilizers bc my medication-induced manic episodes were traumatizing for me). I know at some point, I may have to make some sacrifices and try things out but just wondering if anyone has had successful treatment experiences with both conditions?

Thanks for any potential guidance!