Part of the Recipe
Saying the occasional "No" is more respected than exhausting oneself with too much "Yes."
I don't always realize my own limits, don't always see the scope of what I've laid out until stuck in the thick of it. When the heap of To Do's feels insurmountable, "just get started" becomes the only focus of my day; if I take on too much, nothing gets done.
We're bread dough; we need time and space to rest body and mind to reach full potential. We remind each other of the advantages of downtime, and I remind myself I am not a machine.
I mean, I like marshmallows, but I've played Chubby Bunny enough times in my youth to know the danger of biting off more than can be chewed, even the good stuff.
(TWM: February 12, 2025 – new words every wednesday)
#DissociativeIdentityDisorder #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #MentalHealth