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#PTSD #emotional /psychologicalabuse #retrainingyourbrain #DepressiveDisorder #depressi

I’m live under the same roof as my abusive spouse. I keep me emotional barriers firm but a strange existential force prompted me to do something I’ve never wanted to do: I revealed I was experiencing a period of manic low. I described the struggle in detail. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 36 YEARS, he listened! Intently. Respectfully. Asked inciteful messages. —-I am working on retraining my brain. The committee in my head always lies. ME! Working on me is my priority. I’be strapped on my tool belt and ready to do the brain work😁. As for the huge anomaly in my husband’s behavior? Not my concern


How do you cope?

Hey guys,
I'm pretty new to this but I know many of us feel alone and i wanted to post this to see if anyone was also like me. I have always thrown up from being anxious, sometimes 20 times a day if it's a really bad day. People say they understand but manger times i feel like a burden. So many things are going on in the world but that hasn't stopped the anxiety from sticking around. (Clearly anxiety doesn't not want to social distance). I would like to know what are some coping techniques that you guys do to help anxiety. Or if anyone else does the same when they are anxious Feel free to reach out and remember we are not alone even when we think we are.
#DepressiveDisorder #depressi

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How do you cope?

Hey guys,
I'm pretty new to this but I know many of us feel alone and i wanted to post this to see if anyone was also like me. I have always thrown up from being anxious, sometimes 20 times a day if it's a really bad day. People say they understand but manger times i feel like a burden. So many things are going on in the world but that hasn't stopped the anxiety from sticking around. (Clearly anxiety doesn't not want to social distance). I would like to know what are some coping techniques that you guys do to help anxiety. Or if anyone else does the same when they are anxious Feel free to reach out and remember we are not alone even when we think we are.
#DepressiveDisorder #depressi

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#DistractMe #Fibromyalgia #Pain #ChronicPain #depressi

GOOD MORNING, Everyone !!! .....(finally woke up in the normal amount of pain !! When the meds help (they don't help much -they're really psych meds (non-narcotic)... But I'm off to the best pain day I've had in days !!! Whew !! What a relief !!! Wishing us all to enjoy a good day !!!!💗🌸🌷🌿

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#someonehelpme #whatswrongwithme #whyamisofuckedup #is #depressi

I can’t do this anymore. why am I like this? what did I do so wrong? I tried therapy and I tried meds and I have done outpatient programs in the past but I am still fucked up. I think I might have some kind of personality disorder and that terrifies me. and I have no one to go too. I haven’t seen a therapist since October of last year. I cut and have thoughts of suicide constantly. I don’t have a plan per say at the moment but I hate how my brain is trying to kill me. I just want to be normal and be who everyone seems to want me to be. I just want this to stop. I want someone I. my life who understands and gets it and doesn’t say I need to be hospitalized every time I say how I am feeling. I am so lost and alone and don’t know what to do anymore


Hope you all have a good saterday #Fibromyalgia #depressi

Had a rough couple of weeks. So here is hoping all of us no matter who we are, no matter where we are, have a good saterday. Good thoughts to you all and a hug for each of you


Can't face the hospital # breast cancer #Infection #depressi

I have had breast cancer twice, the first time I was 34 years old when I was diagnosed. I carry the brca1 gene, which I was screened for when cancer returned after nearly 10 years clear.

After a long discussion with my surgeon and the plastic surgeon who became involved in my care it was decided that a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction with tissue expanders was the best option. I was warned that because of my previous treatment, the fact that I have had radiotherapy, and because I was still smoking at that time, the surgery was high risk. Also, if my body rejected the implant I would still have the option of flap reconstruction which wouldn't be a possibility if that was chosen as the initial surgery didn't work the first time.

Anyway , cut a very long story short, my body rejected the implant which was devastating. I was subsequently referred to the plastic surgeon who had been involved in the planning of my care. He is probably the most highly regarded breast reconstructive surgeon available on the NHS, and I was fortunate to be able to have him as my plastic surgeon because I live in London.

He had lots of ideas about how to treat me using cutting edge dressings and surgeries. It meant me having to stay in hospital, initially for a couple of weeks, possibly 3. I had terrible problems with my healing. I had to have about 10 operations in the space of about 6 months. The first surgery was to clean the wound and use a negative pressure dressing internally which would also clean the wound. I woke up from the surgery and passed out. I can honestly say that I have never experienced pain that I could compare with the amount of pain I was in. I was prescribed about 5 different types of morphine and other painkillers, but I can't express how much pain I was in. I have children and childbirth was a breeze by comparison.

After a couple of days, and no sleep due to the pain, I called my mum who lives in France. She got the first plane available to be with me. She later said that she had never heard me in that much distress, I was literally beside myself and it was a constant battle to get my head together to be able to cope with the pain.

However, my wound still wasn't responding as anticipated, and following many tests and scans I was diagnosed with a hospital acquired infection similar to MRSA. The treatment was iv antibiotics for 3 weeks. Because I am an ex nurse I was able to go home and administer my own medication.

However, nothing was going to plan, and this was no exception. I had an allergic reaction to one of the antibiotics and nearly died.

Moving on to the present day; I haven't been able to return to hospital for follow up appointments, check- ups, or even the counselling I was supposed to have to deal with the trauma.

I am in no doubt that I am experiencing PTSD due my experiences. I have been left with horrendous scarring. I feel like a monster. Have lost my previously huge sex drive. Please help?!


These days are hard

The days have gone by And I have felt hopeless. I’ve cried. I’ve sobbed in fact.
I feel lonely but I’m surrounded by people.
I feel so sad and dark. I look ahead to tomorrow and see another day like today, I can’t do it again ...

But tomorrow will come and I will get up because I have too, life isn’t stopping. I have to remember these will pass... #depressi # #Itwillpa # #itwillbe #itwillbeok

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"Lost in Jane Austen" #courage #depressi

In studying the stack of classics on my night table—

Books with romantic heroes such as the honorable Edward Farris,

Chivalrous Mr. Knightley, and Mr. Darcy (the Colin Firth version)—

It is clear that I have lost myself in Jane Austen.

Winter comes, the persistent cold seeps in,

And I lounge in sweatsuits and thick, cotton socks,

Fully absorbed in the pages of "Emma" or "Persuasion"…

Again and again.

Someone might admonish me,

“Jane Austen has ruined your life!”

But I would only murmur slightly,

Turning another page of "Pride and Prejudice"

Before offering a reply.

—Peggy J. Shaw, writer/editor

Note: I wrote this poem after a period of chronic fatigue and depression during which I was bed-bound more than I would have liked, and read a lot to keep my mind occupied. To me, it signifies that we can enjoy life with the abilities that we have. Our lives don't have to be considered "ruined." I read Jane Austen until I was able to get out of bed and resume my life, and I will always be grateful to this extraordinary writer.