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Infections and Insomnia

Hey, everyone. I hope you're all doing well!

I just had a question to ask...

So, from 14th April and up til today, I had a raging sinus infection. My eyes were so swollen, and you could actually SEE my sinuses above and around my eyebrows and eyes. My whole face ached so fiercely and I often ended up in tears because of it. Which made things so much worse.

At night time, I'd crawl into bed at 9pm and according to my mother, I was asleep within minutes (she could hear me snoring faintly). Which is very weird, because I have pretty bad insomnia. It normally takes me hours to fall asleep and even then I usually end up having to get up to pee multiple times.

This isn't the first time my body has done this. Nine years ago I developed a very serious case of tonsillitis. My GP called an ambulance because my fever was at degrees centigrade. For the entire of the ambulance ride I was drifting in and out of consciousness and by the time we arrived at the hospital, I started having seizures because my fever was so high. I don't remember any of this - I was so out of it. I had to stay in the hospital for two weeks, and for about 90% of my stay there, I was asleep.

This now happens every single time I get an infection. Doesn't matter what type, though. It could be a UTI, laryngitis, chest infection, winter vomiting bug, etc. It's like it knocks me out.

So, I guess my question is... Does anyone else have experiences like this? I'd love to know how you handle it and whatnot.

Have a great day, everyone!

#posturalorthostatictachycardia #POTS #POTSUK #EhlersDanlos #EDS #ChronicPain #chronicillnesswarrior #NAFLD #LiverDisease #IBS #BPD #InterstitialCystitis #ic #Migraines #Diabetes #Infection #Insomnia #jointhypermobility #Advice

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Suffering due to a skin infection. I was bit by a mosquito, I think. My face was a little swollen when I woke up Wednesday. I was treating it with OTC medicines. Then Thursday I work up with my eye almost swollen shut, and nose and the bridge of it is swollen even worse. I went to urgent care. The doc there said it’s most likely cellulitis. I’ve steroids to bring down the swelling, and antibiotics
Still hurts! So this is the new me for hopefully only a few days? I hope it clears soon. #PTSD #Depression #Infection #physicalillness


Hey peeps, my name is Faye. I was diagnosed late April with a respiratory infection, then COVID, now pneumonia. I'm so tired of being sick. I had a tracheostomy for 7 years. It was removed 1.5 years ago. I am disabled.
#chronic illness



My mental health has been better. There’s times when I struggle, but I’m trying my best to stay upbeat. Doctors have finally decreased my meds after I took it into my own hands and decreased it myself.

One thing I forgot to mention here was that I had a torn tendon 2 months back. I’m fully recovered now, which naturally means I’m getting tendon pain in the other foot and felt it trying to tear itself/ it would have if I didn’t have such a short distance to walk on that day.

I had bad news at my second post-op appointment. I was told I had an ear infection. It’s thankfully cleared up now, but it meant another two weeks of 3x a day drops, which didn’t really work with my lifestyle. Now it’s just the anxious wait to find out if it’s caused my op to fail, as they were worried.

The sinus issues have been bad. I wasn’t symptomatic last week, so I stupidly didn’t take it when I should have and I’ve paid for it this week where nothing is getting the migraines under control.

To be honest, I’ve been getting tired of taking medication. I’ve been taking them every day for almost 10 years now. I don’t remember a life without them. All my teenage and adult years, I was taking them. I hate that I can’t just simply go to sleep when I’m exhausted, I have to take my medication and make sure it’s the right amount of tablets for the right medications. And I’ve had 3 new medications added in the last few weeks, so it is getting tiring. But I simply can’t exist without them, I’ve seen what I’m like without them.

My chronic pain has been worse. And with my refusal to take painkillers unless absolutely necessary, worsened by the whole medication issue, I’ve been struggling.

#ChronicPain #EarInfection #Infection #Pain #Medication #Medicine #MentalHealth #sinusitis #Migraines #Postop #Recovery

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Adhesive on Dressings, Cannula Coverings & Plasters is Hell for Sensitive Skin | #Allergies #Surgery #abscess #Infection #Eczema

I had surgery on Saturday.

Nothing major. Just removal of an unwanted tenant.

I had a big, orange-sized, angry, yucky, excruciating b$tch of an abscess growing its' new home under my skin, on my left asscheek. Perfect placement. Hey, I don't need to sit down anyway, right? Who even needs both their asscheeks anyway.

But anyway, I've had to have the remaining hole re-packed (big ouch) and re-dressed every day since my surgery by a nurse, and I'm finding the adhesive dressings are making my skin so itchy. I found this last month too; I was hospitalised for 2 weeks with a bad Crohn's disease flare that landed me in the ambulance, and I had a cannula in my arm for quite a while. The cannula itself was fine, I'm used to them, but it was the transparent covering over the top that started causing issues - the adhesive was making my skin so itchy and sore. I've found this with plasters and cannulas in the past too. I asked the nurse today if I'm having an allergic reaction on that area of my skin and she said yes, and she gave me a silicone dressing today instead of the other kind I'd been having, but it's still got an adhesive on it obviously which is, I'm sure, the issue. I just don't think my skin likes having anything whatsoever stuck on it. What's annoying as well is that these silicone dressings like to come away at the edges so I'm forever trying to stick it back on.

No idea if there's any goal to me posting this other than to express frustration and to say I'm looking forward to when this thing is healed and done with!

Best wishes to you all.



That wasn’t a challenge!

Dear life, when I asked if I could feel any worse, that wasn’t a challenge!

The antibiotics definitely aren’t working, and the side effects have me feeling worse than ever before.

How awful I’m feeling makes me want cuddles but I only saw my boyfriend yesterday so I’ll just have to wait it out :(

#breathlessness #nausea #heartracing #Dizziness #lightheaded #antibiotics #SideEffects #Fever #Sweating #lossofappetite #illness #Infection

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Tested positive

Got the COVID test result today and it’s unfortunately positive. Very weak (can’t support myself for long), fatigued, achy, sore throat and a cough.

As a result of having COVID, I can’t take antibiotics for the infection I have in my gum (dentist asked me to send a pic of it, and said it was probably an infection but obviously couldn’t say it definitely was). Taking antibiotics would rid my body of the good bacteria and I’d be basically worse off. So it’s just a matter of waiting.

Thankfully it does appear to be getting better on its own. It’s probably TMI if I go into detail, so I’ll just say yesterday I was able to eat some food on the side that hurts AND I managed to wear my retainer at night. The day without it worked wonders (it was irritating it so I didn’t wear it for a day, I had asked 111 about it and they said it was fine otherwise I’d have worn it anyway).

#Infection #COVID19 #positive #weakness #Pain #Fatigue #unwell #Dentist


Double whammy!

So I was going to call the dentist yesterday, but that soon changed when I woke up in the morning and found out I had been in close contact with someone who tested positive for Coronavirus.

I say woke up, but in reality I didn’t get any sleep. It was the time everyone else woke up. Needless to say though, I was struggling staying awake towards the end of the day.

Anyway, I’m also symptomatic so today I had a COVID test (had one sent so had to wait) and will have to wait for a result. If I do have it, my symptoms aren’t that bad but enough to make me feel a bit under the weather.

Tooth issue on the way to being sorted now anyway. Spent yesterday fighting between 111 and the dentists but thankfully may have a resolution today if they get back to me.

#COVID19 #Infection #illness #symptoms


Not-so-little update

Man I love when you type something and then the app crashes so you have to type it all again.

Ear infection is getting better :D no more discharge, just hearings gone but I’ve got 2 days on the antibiotics and I’ve looked up how long it can take for it to come back and it’s up to 4 weeks apparently. A helpful warning so that I don’t get frustrated after only one week. Oh for a few days I did have extreme lightheadedness but this was at the start of the ear infection snd it’s worn off now so I believe that was another part of it.

Back has been in pain. Leg wanted to start up too but thankfully the sensation that I get when the pain is starting up didn’t stick around.

Chest pain but not sure if it’s actual chest pain or skin irritation pain as I was wearing a new T-shirt for a few days which has been a bit of a sensory attack at points (it’s got glittery thread in some of the logo, which is a no-no for me in socks but never had with a T-shirt before so gave it a try). Rubbed sudocrem in it and the T-shirt is in the wash now so hopefully will find out if it was irritation or not.

The narc came back into my life. I wasn’t perfect with them and I apologised to them after my past few Bible plan readings making me feel the need to apologise, and long story short they apologised and still wanted to be friends and I agreed because they phrased it as so I didn’t have to avoid our friends if they were with him.

I can’t tell if they’re actually a narc or not. They have all the signs but they apologised about their behaviour and like to own being narcissistic, both of these things narcs don’t tend to do. However our friend said that they were a narc and they deal with one every day and have done for their whole life, whereas I only whenever I hung out with the previous narc and only for two years.

Anyways, they’ve been kept at arms length until today. They initiated a conversation and it ended up like being the old times. It was nice, but afterwards I looked back after absentmindedly noting some red signs in my head of his previous behaviour (when they came up in conversation, I tried to get them to pass as quickly as possible by not engaging in talking about it, and I also tried to remind him what we had agreed on when we first started talking again, but he didn’t seem to care which I guess makes sense when he’s not the one that would hurt).

As a result, I’m not sure if it was him genuinely wanting a conversation or if he had other intentions. I’m leaning towards the latter though, and it sucks. I’ve been told I’m too nice before so it just opens myself to hurt. How he acts the next time I talk to him will tell me whether he had good intentions or not I guess and I can go from there.

#NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #narcissism #Friendship #ChestPain #Infection #EarInfection #Hearing #BackPain #ChronicPain

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In a bad place right now... (picture: because who doesn’t love a cat in her own stroller? Lol)â€ïžđŸ’•đŸ±đŸ¶đŸ’ȘđŸ„°đŸ€—

I’m anxious. I’m leaving in an hour to go to the hospital for an urgent MRI on my brain. I’m having the MRI at 10:30pm. The symptoms I’m having, of course, are scary in itself and the fact I need to go now, but that’s actually not what is bothering me the most. Covid is pretty bad where I am right now. The hospitals are over run with Covid admissions and they are trying to make as much room as they can by sending patients to field hospitals and anywhere else that there’s room. I’m pretty much walking into a burning building as far as infection goes because the one I have to go to is one of the worst out breaks in my province. I can’t have anyone come with me for support so my husband will drop me off and wait the few hours in the car. If anyone has had a brain MRI, it’s more terrifying than most MRIs because you have to wear a cage-like contraption on your head/face while you’re already trapped in a tiny space for up to 60 minutes and you can’t move. I’m hoping I won’t have to wear a mask inside the machine as well. The last time I had one done 5 years ago, I was able to take an Ativan to calm (and it was still scary!). But this time, because of my symptoms and blood issues I can’t take anything. I’m have terrible coughing spasms (not Covid related) so I don’t know how I’m going to manage that when I’m not supposed even move. I think this is warranted anxiety, but obviously still unpleasant. My parents had to take my dog to look after her for me for a couple days, so I don’t have that important support. My cat is wonderful but she gives love on her terms only lol đŸ€·â€â™€ïž Any kind words or wishes would be appreciated â€ïžđŸ’•đŸ’Ș #Anxiety #BipolarDisorder #ADHD #PTSD #EatingDisorders #SensoryIssues #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #Allergies #SinusTachycardia #Hypertension #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #ChronicPain #Nerve and joint pain #geneticblooddisorder #chroniccough #nausea #involuntarymovements #rashes #Fatigue #AutoimmuneDisease #DryMouth #Nightsweats #Endometriosis #kidneycysts #OvarianCyst #enlargedlymphnodes #Virus #Infection #CannabisCorner #MedicalCannabis #Isolation #Loneliness #nightterrors