This is such a weird, uncomfortable day for me every year. There is this societal expectation that I'm supposed to be getting together with a big group of friends and watch a very exciting football game, drink, and eat fatty food, and these are not things I like to do. It's weird for our family too, because we don't actually have any friends nearby who we know well enough to invite or to be invited by.
But this year my husband's leading cub scouts, and his co-leader's family invited us. So now I'm in a situation where I'm spending most of the day with people who I like, but don't know well, with the expectation of being friendly and getting to know each other better. As always, I'd rather be at home taking a nap. I know I need friends who care, but friendships always seem like too much work. I just want to be that sick girl who has to stay home. #SuperBowl #IntrovertBlues #Introvert #Nofriends #Agoraphobia #Draining #AlzheimersDisease