Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Groups connect Mighties around shared health conditions or hobbies/interests. They can be public or private depending on the topic.

Groups for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Groups connect Mighties around shared health conditions or hobbies/interests. They can be public or private depending on the topic.

25 Groups
6.5K members
The Bendy Bunch
6.5K members
Have you ever told someone you dislocated a joint, followed by “it’s fine, though?” Or maybe you grew up thinking everyone was as flexible as you, or got really dizzy when they stood up quickly, or that everyone was in pain all the time... until you realized you weren’t the “norm.” This group 100% gets it. Whether you have an official diagnosis of EDS or HSD or not, you don’t have to explain the ins and outs of what life with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is like when you’re here — we understand, we’ve been there, and we’re here to support you.
20.8K members
Spoonie Life Hacks
20.8K members
Chronic illness can change the way you navigate everyday tasks -- personal hygiene, chores, work, managing finances and more. That’s why we’re here to spread the knowledge and help make life with chronic illness a little bit easier. Get advice from people who’ve been there by asking group members for their tips and tricks! Or share your own spoonie life hacks -- you never know who could benefit from your suggestions.
3.3K members
Multiple Health Challenges
3.3K members
This is a safe space to talk about your multiple health challenges. Whether it’s Mental Health &/or Physical Health, disability, sacrifices & limitations or addiction struggles you will likely find others who have the same or similar challenges. This is a great place to empathize w/ others, ask for support, & get support yourself. You also can ask for advice, encouragement, & support for things ldealing w/ doctors, insurance, different diagnoses you face, hospital stays, surgeries, & What's going on for you (GOOD & bad!) There are questions posted to the group regularly about things like self care, depression, anxiety, gratitude, disability, new diagnosis, insurance, chronic pain and then great group discussions! Please read the new posts and offer support or even just a ♥️, ☀️, or 💡can make someone feel heard and acknowledged! You can scroll through past posts that are insightful & helpful plus dozens of posts & stories at the top in blue link “Saved by the leader” Come join us!
14.9K members
14.9K members
You’re not alone if you don’t have a diagnosis yet but experience physical or mental symptoms that are very real and valid. In fact, there are many of us. If you experience symptoms related to a diagnosis but don’t quite check off all the boxes, think you have a condition but have it yet to be confirmed, are one of only a few people with a rare diagnosis, or are simply still solving your own medical mystery, this group is for you. Let’s encourage and support each other as we continue our search for answers.
1.1K members
Always In Bed
1.1K members
Welcome! This is a safe place for those of us who are bound to our beds for whatever reason. A place we can chat, vent, cry, complain, laugh, and even be silly to distract ourselves from the boredom, sadness and frustration of being in bed for lengths of time. We can be here without judgement or being shamed. We can be support for one another and give kind encouragement to those of us who are struggling. Let’s help each other turn some tears into smiles and laughs.
64.6K members
52 Small Things
64.6K members
Whether you’re a seasoned self-care pro or you’re new to our community, 52 Small Things is our weekly self-care program with a Mighty twist. Every week we’ll challenge you to a new self-care task. Some might be more on the pampering side, such as exercising your creative muscles or indulging in a “guilty pleasure.” Other might be what’s referred to as “boring self-care” — you know, tasks that might not feel as exciting but prioritize your well-being (like cleaning or practicing personal hygiene). In this group you can find all of our prompts — past and present. Share your experiences and encourage others along their self-care journey by posting here with the hashtag #52SmallThings!
50.8K members
Distract Me
50.8K members
While we can’t always take away the pain or discomfort, we can distract each other until it passes or feels more manageable. Get daily distractions from The #DistractMe Dogs (woof woof!). Or post in this group if you need something or someone to take your mind off whatever you’re going through. We share puzzles, games, watch movies together… you name it. Suggest an activity!
36.8K members
Let's Talk Depression
36.8K members
Depression is… not the best. Whether you have an official diagnosis or are undiagnosed, all of our experiences are valid and welcome here. Not sure what to post? Let us know why today is tough, or a recent win you had. We want to celebrate and support you as you navigate depression (because it’s so much more than sadness). You are not alone.
19.3K members
Mighty With Migraine
19.3K members
Migraine is so much more than a headache, right? Whether you live with acute or chronic migraine of any variety, experience a migraine episode as part of another health condition or have a loved one with the diagnosis, this group has your back. Let’s use this space to trade tips and compare notes with other migraineurs and the people who care for them! Migraine is tough but so are you.
17.5K members
Check In With Me
17.5K members
#CheckInWithMe is our flagship Mighty program. It started as a single hashtag and has now grown into thousands of members who check in with each other daily (and in turn, ask others to check in on them too!). It embodies everything The Mighty strives to be: a place to show up exactly as you are. This group is an extension of that hashtag. Post about what you’re going through, ask for advice, or post a pep talk that someone else might need to hear. Thank you for living out the #CheckInWithMe promise every single day.
3.8K members
Let's Talk Anxiety
3.8K members
Anxiety looks different for everyone. It can be something you carry with you regularly like a dominant diagnosis, or a symptom that pops up alongside a chronic illness or during an uncertain time or period of grieving. It’s also more than just panic attacks. Anxiety can manifest as physical symptoms such as sweating or stomachaches. In our Let’s Talk Anxiety group, we welcome anyone who experiences this condition, whether you’ve been formally diagnosed or not. Connect with folks who get it and share your (anxious) story in a safe, judgment-free zone.
1.8K members
This is a group where you can talk about anything no judgement.
1K members
POTS Warriors
1K members
Having others who really understand your chronic illness is so important. POTS is not all in your head, you are experiencing this, we are here to help you through this journey.
667 members
The Pain Game
667 members
I want to create a space where we can share various things that have helped us through the journey of living with chronic illnesses. Fellow Spoonies & all we are rare but together we are a community that has each others experiences in order to help each other.
346 members
Living with a rare disease can sometimes feel like floating out at sea. You’re not sure if anyone can see you (but you hope they do), or how long you’ll be there before help arrives (let’s hope it’s not too long). That’s where this community comes in. This group is for people who live with one or more rare disease. Use this space to exchange frustrations or joys with other rare disease patients, share tips about the diagnostic process, or highlight resources for specific rare conditions that don’t get the attention or research they rightfully deserve.
147 members
147 members
The Gastroparesis group is a great way to get to know others who suffer from, care for or even want to support someone they know with this disease. We welcome all Gastroparesis Warriors to share tips, lend a supportive ear, vent and use your humor to get through the tough times. Remember “We will not bow, We will not break” and together we can lift each other’s spirits and create a strong community of GP Mighty’s 💚.
74 members
Saving Quarters
74 members
Here I use the Arcade Theory instead of Spoon Theory, hence the name: Save Quarters. I’m looking for things like easy recipes I can do even with fatigue, any tool or item that can make life easier, and any physical practices that can help me. I too wish to share the things that have helped me to save others from long bouts of trial and error. I hope my personal journey can help someone make theirs better faster than I was able to, and to benefit from others in the same way, let’s use our collective experience to save each other time and effort searching.
56 members
56 members
This group is to support those with neuropathy of any kind. You may be a family member looking to support those with neuropathy or you may have been diagnosed or you may be having symptoms. This group is a safe space for us all
15 members
I often feel like I can't relate to my generation nor have I ever been able to feel that but I noticed that whenever I have been in facilities for adults/hospital settings I am often asked for my age multiple times because they don't believe me-I look younger than I do yet I speak like I've lived decades longer than someone else my age- it's hard to make friends for me because I can't talk about things that other people my age are doing for I'm currently incapable of for my body. I wish it'd allow me- I have a hunger for learning and growth/a thirst for knowledge. I wish I could go to work or college...Maybe one day. For now instead of letting those thoughts bitter me I'd rather create a space for people that I can possibly relate to- a place free of hate and malignant judgment-no ableism,ageism- you know all the isms haha- to those who feel isolated in an advancing technological but at times humanly immoral world- I love too much to not try. Education is Elevation,Knowledge is power.
13 members
Just a forum for polite, friendly, non-judgemental conversation and debate around life with these conditions. Please remember that what has worked for one, may not work for another - we are all beautifully different. Please avoid giving a diagnosis to others.
6 members
For anyone who has a illness of any kind, family, friends, spouses, partners or anyone around them. To spread awareness of diseases or what it’s like to live with a chronic disease to our communities and promote understanding. So no one has to feel alone!
4 members
Tips, tricks, and questions for people with central lines.
2 members
Mighty book club
2 members
A space to share your love of all things wordy. Every month we'll have a new book pick to chat about and questions for discussion if you want to delve a bit deeper. Books will be in a range of genres and you can suggest books for the club to read if you want to. Mighty book club is also a space for you to recommend books you've loved reading to other mighty members and have conversations about them *please signpost potential spoilers!* Mighty readers unite!
2 members
Slipping rib syndrome
2 members
In today's world, chronic illnesses pose significant challenges, often leaving people overwhelmed by complex treatments. At the Stem Cell Revolution Community, we believe in a simpler, more effective health path. Our mission is to promote stem cell therapy as a revolutionary solution for long-lasting well-being. This therapy is the future, already beginning to unfold, promising personalized and effective healthcare. We are committed to raising awareness about stem cell therapy, advocating for its accessibility, and inspiring a vision of a world free from chronic illness burdens. As a community, we focus on educating, supporting, and empowering each other. Everyone has the power to make a difference, and together we'll create a thriving world where living long and well is within reach. Join us to learn, share, and advocate for a healthier future through stem cells. Your Health Your Power! Together We CAN!