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Loosing range of motion

I saw the rheumatologist in November 2020. I could easily move my arms then. December I started to lose strength and range on motion in my left arm. Now we are in April and I struggle to wash my hair, dressed and undressed. I drop things easily, turning the steering wheel is hard and hurts. And when I go to lift my arms above me head I can tell I using muscles I really should need to use and others aren’t working. Is this #fibromaylgia ? The doctor said to watch for this one specifically? He was looking at lupus and RA but I didn’t have enough outward symptoms then and gave me the diagnosis #FM #ChronicFatigue #perniousanemia

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Loosing range of motion

I saw the rheumatologist in November 2020. I could easily move my arms then. December I started to lose strength and range on motion in my left arm. Now we are in April and I struggle to wash my hair, dressed and undressed. I drop things easily, turning the steering wheel is hard and hurts. And when I go to lift my arms above me head I can tell I using muscles I really should need to use and others aren’t working. Is this #fibromaylgia ? The doctor said to watch for this one specifically? He was looking at lupus and RA but I didn’t have enough outward symptoms then and gave me the diagnosis #FM #ChronicFatigue #perniousanemia

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Loosing range of motion

I saw the rheumatologist in November 2020. I could easily move my arms then. December I started to lose strength and range on motion in my left arm. Now we are in April and I struggle to wash my hair, dressed and undressed. I drop things easily, turning the steering wheel is hard and hurts. And when I go to lift my arms above me head I can tell I using muscles I really should need to use and others aren’t working. Is this #fibromaylgia ? The doctor said to watch for this one specifically? He was looking at lupus and RA but I didn’t have enough outward symptoms then and gave me the diagnosis #FM #ChronicFatigue #perniousanemia


Myalgic Encephalomyelitis vs Fibromyalgia

What's the difference? I've been Googling for an hour and can't really find more than ME is a disease and FM is a syndrome.

I was diagnosed with #Fibromyalgia after a surgery. In my reading, I see that #myalgicencephalomyelitis can be caused by infections. Is there really a difference? Does that difference make any difference anyway?

#ME symptoms are in line with what I experience, but so are #FM symptoms.

Would love to get some insight. Thanks in advance!

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I finally got my diagnosis!

It took 10 months to see rheumatology and I've had pain and various other symptoms since I was at least 14, but i saw the rheumatologist and she gave me a diagnosis. It was very quick, considering it was the first appointment with her and I was literally only there for like 45 mins but she told me i have fibromyalgia. I feel weird, though. Like, I've been waiting since the age of 14 to find out why I was in so much pain all the time (that's 8 years) and now that I know the reason, I don't know what to do with myself. But it also kinda sucks to know that the diagnosis is: you're gonna be in pain for the rest of your life, with all these other crappy problems and we only MIGHT be able to help because our only treatments aren't even really treatments for the condition, just the symptoms. And you might not even be able to have those treatments because you're on meds for epilepsy (as well as also being autistic and having hypermobility). So if that's the case then basically: lifelong pain, etc and your only treatment is exercise. #FibromyalgiaDiagnosis #Hypermobility #FM #Epilepsy #Autism


How do you deal with negative self-criticism?

Today I’m having a somewhat decent day. I have so many things to do. Yet I feel overwhelmed. I keep thinking about how lazy I must be. I’m going to try taking “baby steps.”
How do you deal with negative self-talk? #chronic illness #Fibromyalgia #chronic fatigue syndrome #CFS #FMS #FM


Pain management drs

Just wondering how your pain drs are handling the current health crisis. I’m on full quarantine at home due to immunodeficiency and immunosuppressive medications but they were urging me to come in. Typically there are 25-30 people in the waiting room.
I called and asked for a phone appointment they acted like it was fine but now that the day has come I can’t get the dr on the phone. Three hours after my appointment. Seems kind of cruel to take me off my pain meds. Ugh the life
#ChronicPain #RheumatoidArthritis #CVID #Depression #FM


I am struggling with sun downers along with major pain from FM MA Arthritis and daily chronic migraines. Does anyone have suggestions in coping #FM


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She’s my happy place. #Cat #MyLady #FM

Her face makes me smile even when I’m at my worse. Hope she can give someone else a smile too.

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#imsoblessed #

This is first word in mind every waking moments, to keep me going . The pain is less as supposed to cursing. It’s the most positive thought & attitude for everybody to start the day.
Anger makes our muscles stiff, makes us age. Any negative thoughts, nrings negative energy.
So, I embraced pain with love & laughter to release & loosens my whole body.
There’s nothing to loose if you try it,
Love 💕 & prayers 🙏 to all,

#FM /CFSisReal#
#dailyaffirmation #