Hi There! I Have Just Joined This Group Hopefully This Will Help Me. Navigate Advice With My #Full -Time Job. Thank You, Sincerly, ☆ S. K. ☆
A Roller Coaster day are always filled with ups and downs. It is so much harder when dealing with these battles alone. It angers me when people use you as a "Toilet" and always think they are right and nothing they do is ever wrong. I realize I am the only one that can change these toxic situations. But it is so hard when you care for others more than yourself. I am just so tired... Tired of the Hurt, Tired of the Pain, Tired of being alone, Tired of conflicts, Tired of everything. I know it's not just me. Why do people have to mistreat others to make themselves feel better??? Am I missing something?
#Full of Love and Compassion