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Mental health Quote: The Storm will Pass #MentalHealth #Quotes #gettingthroughthis #encouragement

When you are going thru awful things you can not control, you need to recognize this. Do the best you can at the time and know you will get through it.

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He helps me get through

So this is me today, about an hour ago. Backstory before this: I made myself get up in the morning, ate breakfast even when my stomach didn't work, got outside to do some sports exercises and yoga. I knew it's not getting better (from saturday when it started again.) when doing yoga I barely kept myself from starting to cry. After that I went for walk with my 8 years old dog Aras. And when I just let him run by himself I just sat down on ground and hugged my knees. Sat there for few minutes in silence and Aras just came to me. When I saw him coming to me I even said sorry to him, that he shouldn't take care of me after those words I just broke down and started crying. Aras just pressed his body more against my legs and just stood there protecting me, waiting for me to be able to stand up and when I was able to do that, he waited for me to get his leash, he got the other end in his mouth snd pulled me to go home...
From it he probably might seem as a therapy dog, but no one ever trsined to be one. He's just my best friend and part of my soul. I think that if he wasn't with me I couldn't get through this by myself. #Depression #CheckInWithMe #gettingthroughthis #Gettingthroughtheday


Do you use the clock? #Childhoodtrauma #gettingthroughthis

So when I was actively being abused, I would use the clock and say to myself, “this is only time. When the time passes, it will be over.”
I still find myself using this coping mechanism when I’m having a painful medical procedure or something too much for my brain to process.
I did snap out of it when my daughter threatened to never speak to me again if I misbehaved at her Wedding. I started crying and said ,”Really? You’ll never talk to me again?” She realized by my response that she had gone too far. Even so, I dissociated during the wedding celebrations and didn’t feel like I was even there.


Keeping track of conditions and medications with brain fog!

I have so many conditions from the small, minor ones to the chronic ones that have quite a lot of control of my daily life. When I see a new doctor I often take a pre-printed or written list of medical history, conditions, medications and so forth; however, ever so often my brain forgets and I have to remember it all and end up missing a whole bunch of stuff. During these times it’s so defeating looking at how much I have, all the medications I take and hearing time and time again, “you’re way too young”. As if I haven’t thought this very same thing... Vent Over #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Positivity #gettingthroughthis #triggers #keepgoing

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A rough patch

I've got a whole lot on my plate right now. The end of a long-term relationship/loss of my other half means a lot of changes are happening (and even more are coming). Sometimes I think I can handle it. Then days like today happen and I'm not sure I'll ever be OK again.

My anxiety is in overdrive. I don't know what's coming. I haven't planned for this kind of life change. I know I'm supposed to take it one step at a time, but I don't know HOW to do that. My brain is already seventeen steps ahead and I'm completely overwhelmed. In turn, my depression takes over and even the little, previously manageable things are now impossible tasks, looming over me. If it weren't for my dogs and my job, I don't think I'd ever be able to get out of bed most mornings.

I'm sure I could be doing more to help myself. I've only been on a few walks lately. I haven't been eating very well. But where do I find the motivation? How do I help myself when I don't even feel like I want to be helped? I know this will pass (it HAS to pass), but for now... It's just rough. #Depression #Anxiety #roughpatch #gettingthroughthis #CheckInWithMe


“Gotta Through This” #sad #Keep Going

Hi-I‘m new here and really thankful I found this place. I love the song by Daniel Bettingfield (sp?), “Gotta Get Through This.” It has recently become my motto when I‘ve felt like giving up.
My physical and emotional health have been on a roller coaster ride and over the past 6 months and I want to get off. “Stop the ride please. I’ve had enough.”
I was diagnosed with Tardive Dyskinesia (An involuntary muscle movement disorder) 7 months as a result of a medication I was given to treat nausea/voming. Hold on with me for a minute while I take a brief turn in my thoughts. I am a Nurse. Love my profession and have been proud to be a part of the medical field. With all of these recent developments in my health and hospitilazations; I am incredibly saddened and increasingly frustrated at the state of the medical world and their “slug”-like movement forward in becoming educated, informed and supportive of mental health. It’s truly unacceptable to me.
Back to my recent experiences, I have felt that as soon as a nurse or doctor learns of your current mental condition (s) and any “psych” meds you may be taking; the ears turn off and stop really hearing you. The eyes stop looking at your very real physical symptoms, and instead of it being an understanding gaze; it‘s a look of judgement and disdain. Their hearts, which are supposed to be in a compassionate mode, misfires a beat, and goes cold. During one of my more distressing ER visits related to the Tardive Dyskinesia episodes- mind you, the body movements are involuntary and uncontrollable-the nurse told me, “Put your tongue back in your mouth.” Yes, thank you. I’ll get right on that as soon as my body starts cooperating. Isn‘t that familiar for any of us who may need to go to the ER for any of our ”condition’s,” whether it be a panic attack, BPD, depression, schizophrenia? “Put your tongue back in your mouth.” “Put your psychiatric conditions away. This is for medical need only.“ A lot of these diseases have a compenent in the brain due to nerve damage, chemical imbalance and receptors that are damaged in our brain that are affected. We don’t have control over that just like a heart attack patient doesn’t have control over the damage done by a heart attack.
In my experience, when the medical field makes inaccurate, judgemental and non-supportive “plans of care” for us-it only perpetuates the #Stigma and can bring up worse, or equally worse, feelings surrounding our mental health . Here’s to #gettingthroughthis !