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#gratefulness day 1

I am grateful for:

1. My fiance, for loving my regardless of whatever my mental and/or physical state may be.

2. For water; even though drinking 2 litres everyday is still a small struggle for me lol

3. For Gary, our mortgage adviser. His efficiency and fun personality have taken the stress off my shoulder.


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Share what cheers you up :) on those bad days we all have sometimes, what makes you crack a smile 😃 or feel better?

Little reminders that help :) or your go to help resource #Anxiety #CheerMeOn #funny #Puppies #Art #Therapy #gratefulness #Journaling #Music #coping

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There is beauty around us, despite our pain #gratefulness #grateful #Beauty #Pain #ChronicPain

So often we sit with our pain... day after day. Even on our roughest days we can force ourselves to go outside or the window or even around your home.... there is beauty. Whether a good memory associated with an object or dew on the grass first thing in the morning. So often with our pain we have to evaluate it and record all the triggers and we are forced to focus on all the negative, so it would stand to reason we should have to focus on our blessings and the beauty around us equally in order to focus on what we can be grateful for....💓


Things I'm grateful for about today

Tuesday | Jan 8th 2019

Today, I'm grateful that :
01 • My boyfriend lent me his car all day
02 • I could take some time for myself
03 • I could sing in the car and in the shower with him
04 • My bobo hurt so much less

#52SmallThings #gratefulness

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