Interesting info to share with patients who smoke as a coping mechanism. From Neuroscience News
Reduced-Nicotine Cigarettes Result in Less Smoking in Anxiou... #CopingMechanism #MentalHealth #Smoking #healthyliving

Reduced-Nicotine Cigarettes Result in Less Smoking in Anxiou... #CopingMechanism #MentalHealth #Smoking #healthyliving
Not too often I do this but I am feeling so good about my little journey at this point!
First picture is the day I started my plank challenge and then the next two months was the booty challenge. Last month I didn't complete my challenge cause of so much flareup's and Loki getting sick! So I have restarted my booty challenge this month!
Since getting off prednisone which I wasn't on that long for but it sure put my body into chaos! It did help lots on the worse flare up of my life that lead to my diagnosis.
I knew the weight is not going to help my joints so I needed to get back to where I was before the meds.
To date i have lost 33lbs!
I have been walking lots even in flareup's, I walk cause Loki needs it! It's not too often I miss and when I do its because it is really really bad.
Every Sunday I do a 20 min work out! Again last month was bad I think I got in 1 or 2 sundays!
I finished my 30 day plank challenge and that is what helped the most! Did about 2 weeks of my 30 day booty challenge and I started riding a bike now! I keep going the best I can, I do all of this in pain and at times I inflict more pain by doing this. I do listen most of the time to my body! If I need to rest I will. If I need to take a few days off, I do! Seeing how far I have come along through my pain it is worth it! I am only 40 and I still have a lot of life ahead of me.
I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes!
"If you get tired, learn to rest not quit"
#Fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #WeightLoss #healthyliving
Starting tomorrow I am going to retry my 30 day booty challenge!! Last month i had too many flares and Loki getting sick. I just didn't have it in me!!
Last weekend i started bike riding and i really enjoyed myself!! I am going to do it once a week and see how i feel! Today I really felt it so keeping my fingers crossed it doesn't stir up a flare! Now to find energy to fold towels!! Yaya... haha
#Fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Trying #challenge #healthyliving
Been so busy! I have been finding it hard to get on here! 😁
Well first I want to say I am done my plank challenge and I lost five pounds doing so! It was tough and there was a few days I would have to miss because I was in a flare up but still proud I stuck to it!
This month I am starting a new challenge! The booty challenge! Haha... much easier then then the plank challenge!!
On the weekend was my 11 year anniversary! We made the best of it when we are in restrictions from covid. We will celebrate a bit more when things open! But I made all our favorite foods, laid around watching girly shows for me! (That is a gift on its own) haha...
Loki got his yearly shots and he did so much better this time around! He felt a little yucky, you could tell but not like he did when he was a baby pup!
I have been on the go that I feel a bit worn out! A case of Laziness hit me last night! So I am going to TRY to relax
#Fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #healthyliving #Noenergy
I am really sore tonight!!
I did my minute and 40 sec plank and spent two hours taking over 500 picture of our boys!!
It was a fantastic night!! Better get some rest!!
#Fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #MightyPets #healthyliving
Well, I think I over did it today!! It was our first beautiful day since it started raining and I had no work so we took advantage of it!!
I did my Sunday workout today, added my minute plank challenge! Took Loki to the dog park and we walked around the whole lake, came home, had a small bite to eat, had a nap and then we took Loki to the other dog park to play in the river!! Big day and my body is angry with me!! Haha.. what's knew?! Haha...
I am going to give my body a chill pill and get some sleep!! I had such an awesome day!!
#Fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #FlareUps #healthyliving #MightyPets #Overdidit
Had a fun evening with a friend and her daughter and mine! We watched a few movies, we had a drink! Really needed a day of laughter!
Went for a family drive downtown after, my husband ordered in all weekend so no cooking for me!!
Did my plank challenge!! 1 full minute!! My arms were shaking!! Hahaha feeling it a bit tonight for sure!
Today when dropping off my mama dinner for mama's day! My mother asked me if I lost some weight!!! Yeah!! Especially when it's always the opposite! Just out of love and knows by first hand what some weight can do to a aching body! I told her I dont know, I might have lost something but I am not checking until after my 30 days!
Having a facial and relaxing in the tub before bed!!
Hope you all had a beautiful day doing what you wanted to do! Cheers!! #MothersDay #Fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness ##chronicpain #healthyliving
It was such a gorgeous evening!! We had dinner (yummy chicken alfredo) and it was fairly late but we packed up Loki and went to the dog park!!
Very nice walk along the river!! Walking along the rocks is a little hard on my ankles and we walked up some pretty steep hills too but my daughter helped and it was SO worth it!! Loki officially on his own, no leash swam in the river!! He did SO great!! Proud moment for all of us!! I really wish we could upload videos to share the experience!
We stopped by to see my husband at work for a quick visit, Kendra wanted to dadnap her father and take him home!
It was a evening I so needed! No stress, minimal pain! Went to bed fairly late but the sleep was actually good and my night sweats and chills have calmed down!! (Thank goodness)
I am hoping to get out tonight again cause it is our last night of beautiful weather for a few days!! Rain is in our forecast for the next few days!!
Tomorrow will be 7 days of our 30 day challenge, a full week into this!! We are all so proud of ourselves!! Today is rest day and after the next two days is when the challenge really begins! So far my body is handling it very well! I hope it stays this way!!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
#Fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #MightyPets #healthyliving #GoodDay
This morning after my 30 day plank challenge!!
My baby right by my side! At first he thought I laid the blanket down for him to sit his fluffy tooshie down!! Haha... what a dog!! #Fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Fatigue #MightyPets #healthyliving