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I'm still not entirely sure how to use this... Is it a blog? A forum? A void to scream into? Whatever it is, I'll take it 😁

I'm having a bit of a low run at the moment. It's Autumn in Australia, and the cold always makes me curl up into a little ball of depression, no matter how hard I fight it.

One thing that helps, no matter the season, is music.

So today, I choose to do some karaoke. It's online, and I can share or not share, so I'm not surrounded by people, I don't have to be filled with the feeling of failure when someone does a song effortlessly, while I struggle to nail Happy Birthday. I can just sing. It's so freeing. And as long as I don't get too hard on myself, it's rewarding and fun.
#Music #MentalHealth #Depression #Bipolar2 #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #CopingMechanism

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Ways I cope and things I do to improve my mental /and physical health and well-being (everyone is an individual)

When I'm having a bad day mentally and physically in a flare up I'm going to share some small tips /things that help me get through the day personally - ***DISCLAIMER **we are all human beings and all individuals, so what works for one person, may not be useful to another. It may be just be down to trail and error. Everyone is different.
When in pain physically apart from taking my usual pain killers, I try to do simple breathing exercises in a calm place where I won't be disturbed.
When having a bad mental health day I may try to sleep it off, clean bits in the house or I find reading or journaling helpful. #copingwithararedisease #Strategy #CopingMechanism




You own at least one pair of Pillow Paws

Someone has gifted you a self help book

You've gotten brain zaps

The crisis line has told you to do breathing exercises or journal instead of unaliving

The crisis line has put you on hold

You've gotten booty juiced

You know your enneagram and/or myers briggs types

You use BBW aromatherapy products

You've bought random/unnecessary things when manic or when trying to fill the void

You own a weighted blanket, an adult coloring book, or some kind of guided journal

You unexpectedly dye/cut your hair

You buy Steven Rhodes t-shirts

You still listen to My Chemical Romance

Squishmallows. If you know you know.

The biggest part of your diet is iced coffee

#Depression #MentalHealth #Anxiety #selfcare #CopingMechanism #SuicidalThoughts #MentalIllness #mentalhealthmatters #GenZ #BPD #Bipolar #OCD

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A conversation with myself

My coping mechanism is primarily to travel. I usually travel every 2-3 months to reset, reflect and write. But the pandemic prohibited me to do so. This conversation sums up all my bottled up thoughts since my last travel on December 2019. #Depression #BipolarDisorder #keepgoing #UsapTayo #Travel #CopingTips #copingstrategies #CopingMechanism #CopingWithAnxiety #Anxiety

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Rain can be fun too #Mindfulness #CopingMechanism #coloring

Winter is a depressing season for me, but sometimes I have fun in the rain.

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Do you attach yourself to fictional characters as a coping/comfort mechanism? If so, I would love to hear who and why? #CopingMechanism